You Love I

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The end, I move back in, before you know it I cheated on him, oh yeah, that's what happens when you don't try.

One week into Thomas's and James's relationship, there was already some problems. During school they were inseparable. But at home, Thomas was always out. James thought he may be cheating, but dismissed the idea. Thomas love him, right?

You know I always thought about him, even when the other boys sneak in, but infidelity would never even cross my mind,

Right. Thomas loved James, and no one else. He hoped. Anyway, it was currently a Friday at 8:00 P.M. and Thomas wasn't here. Surprise surprise.

Wonderful, so wonderful, but, boy, don't get too comfortable,

He was currently watching Moana, signing along to 'We Know The Way'. He hadn't cut since he and Thomas got together. He still didn't eat a lot though, no matter how hard Thomas tried.

'Cause what we have is untouchable,

There was a knock on the door. Expecting it to be Thomas, he opened it. But it wasn't Thomas. It was Sally Hemmings. What was she doing here?

I stood deaf, 'til I stood dead, untied a knot in my wedding dress,

"Have you seen Thomas?" She was asking for Thomas... why? "No, not since school. Why?" He frowned. She frowned as well, "We are partners, for a school project. He was supposed to come over after school to help." James laughed, of course Thomas wouldn't help. "I can help you, if you'd like." She smiled and nodded. He invited her in and they begin to work on her project.

He got down on one knee and he said,

As they were writing down notes with each other, there was another knock at the door. Opening it, there stood Alexander. Alex smiled, it looked genuine. Maybe.

You love I,

"What do you need, Hamilton?" James smiled politely, not wanting to be rude. "I was looking for Thomas. I assumed he'd be with you. You are his boyfriend, after all." Oh. He was looking for Thomas too.

You love I,

"Why are you looking for Thomas.?" Why was everyone looking for Thomas? "He has something of mine. We were working together in a class, and he has my papers. I need them." Oh. "You can wait with us if you'd like, Alex. Sally was looking for Thomas too." James was cautious to let Alex in, but he was a nice person, and Alex wasn't being a jerk at the moment, so he decided it was ok.

You love I,

Of course, James forgot he invited his friends over, so when there was another knock at the door, he was quite baffled to find Aaron, Theo, and The Schuyler Sisters. He invited them in. "What are they doing here?" Aaron was the first to speak, pointedly glaring at Alex.

Do I? Do I? Do I? Do I?

Oh. Whoops. "They both were looking for Thomas. He had papers from Alex and a project to work on with Sally." He smiled. Aaron nodded in understanding, and dragged Theo to the corner to talk and.

Oh oh, I move back out, he invited me into his fancy house, It's been so long we might as well try,

Sally was getting to know the Schuyler Sisters, which left James to talk to Alex. "So, Alex, how are you?" He smiled and attempted to have a conversation. "I'm alright. I've got a new boyfriend. John Laurens." Alex smiled.

Wonderful, so wonderful, you turned my heart into a puppet show,

Another knock. It must be Thomas, this time. Speaking of time, he checked it on his way to the door. 12:39 A.M. wow. He opened the door to see Thomas. James smiled while Thomas looked at the room of people.

If you like me, please let me know,

Alex was the first to speak, his voice sounding ice cold, "You have some of my papers, Jefferson." Thomas smirked. "Oh yeah. I'll go get those for you." He walked out of the room. Alex stayed where he was and waited.

One day, the very first date, he walked on over and he asked my name, he could be the one to say,

When Thomas came back he handed Alex some papers. Alex said his goodbyes and left. Thomas looked at Sally and frowned, "What are you doing here?". Sally smiled politely and said, "You were supposed to help me with my project, but it's fine, your boyfriend helped instead." He swear he saw Thomas cringe at the word 'boyfriend' but maybe it was just in his head.

You love I,

Sally left as well, giving James a hug on her way out. Thomas suggested they all watch a movie. They agreed and settled in his living room. Thomas and James on one of the love seats, Aaron and Theo on the other. And the Schuyler Sisters had the bigger couch.

You love I, you love I,

James put in Mean Girls, because who doesn't love that movie. Well, apparently Thomas. He was asleep within the first ten minutes. James rested his head on Thomas's shoulder and drifted off to sleep.

Do I? Do I? Do I? Do I?

A/N here is another chapter. What's up with Thomas staying out late y'all?;-; idk hopefully all is well. At least Alex is being nice know, right? Anyway, happy Mothers Day. Don't know how many more updates I'll get out today. Hope you don't mind :)

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