Sick Of Losing Soulmates

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What a strange being you are, who knows where I would be if you hadn't found me, sitting all alone in the dark

Thomas obviously thought whatever he had done was hilarious, but Alex didn't, as he began to walk away from Thomas. Thomas's smile began to fade as he realized what was happening. Alex was mad, that wasn't good.

A dumb screenshot of youth,

The cafeteria doors slammed shut as Alex stormed out. James could only watch in shock, along with the rest of the students in the cafeteria. Thomas stood there, in the middle of the room, he looked like he was on the verge of tears. He looked as though it was the finale of a 'great' relationship.

Watch how a cold broken teen, will desperately lean on a superglued human of proof,

Thomas ran out to go find Alex, as James still sat there at the table with Theo and Aaron. He could hear them talking, wondering what had gone on. James, on the other hand, kept trying to tell himself he didn't care. But he did.

What the heck would I be, without you,

James cared a lot. He desperately wanted to find Thomas and tell him that Alex wasn't worth it. He knew Thomas would think otherwise anyway, so he just sat there. Quiet as a mouse. He was so lost in his sea of thoughts, thoughts that were drowning him and suffocating hi-

Brave face talk so lightly, hide the truth,

"James!" He turned his attention towards the voice, Aaron. He nodded, a sign for him to continue, "The bell rang James. It's time for class. Theo already left, I'm waiting for you." He nodded again, not in the mood to speak, afraid that if he did he'd burst into tears, and stood up. He and Aaron made their way to their lockers.

'Cause I'm sick of losing soulmates, so where do we begin,

After he gathered his things from his locker, he headed to one of his last classes. As he was walking he tripped over something, or someone.

I can finally see, you're as messed up as me, so how do we win?

James looked back up to see, Thomas? What was he doing here? He realized he was staring and noticed Thomas had begin looking at him. "What are you doing here?" James was the first to speak, for the first time in a long time.

Yeah, I'm sick of losing soulmates, won't be alone again,

"Just... waiting." Thomas responded. That reply confused James. Moving from his tripped state, he asked Thomas another question, "What are you waiting for?" Thomas looked back at James and sighed, "I'm waiting for Alex to calm down. It was a harmless prank. How was I supposed to know he was afraid of spiders!"

I can finally see, you're as messed up as me, so how do we win?

James was afraid of spiders as well. James was scared of a lot of things, but he wouldn't tell Thomas that. "Why don't you apologize?" He suggested. Thomas looked at him like he had just suggested they kill someone. "That's funny James. 'Apologize', it's too late, he probably hates me."

We will grow old as friends, I've promised that before, so what's one more?

"I doubt he hates you." He said, adding quieter, "I don't hate you." Thomas looked at James and smiled a bit. "You really think he won't hate me?" James frowned, then forced a smile, "Yeah, I do."

In our grey-haired circle, waiting for the end, Time and hearts will wear us thin,

Thomas hugged James. James could feel every bit of heat in his body rush to his face. He hesitantly hugged back. They stayed like that, for at least ten seconds. Too soon for James. Little did he know, Thomas wanted it to last too.

So which path will you take, cause we both know a break, does exactly what it says on the tin,

Then the bell rang and they departed ways. Thomas to go find Alex and James to go find Aaron. As he made his way through the crowd of people who were going to there lockers, he bumped into someone. Oh no.

What the heck would I be, without you,

Alex. He bumped into the person he really didn't wanna see, again. How many times a week will this happen. A lot probably, he had terrible luck. He felt Alex's rage still radiating off his body. He begin to excuse himself when Alex spoke. "I hope you listened and stayed away from my Thomas. I have eyes everywhere Madison. I'll find out one way or another."

Brave face talk so lightly, hide the truth

Oh no, James was In for it tomorrow. He quickly nodded and ran to his locker, not even bothering to continue his search for Aaron. He just wanted to get out of here. He wanted out of life.

'Cause I'm sick of losing soulmates, so where do we begin

His life was absolutely terrible. He was constantly being insulted, mostly about his health, mostly from Alex, always having to run away. Of course that didn't get him far. He'd always begin to wheeze about half a mile later, which made him easy prey. But despite the million reasons he had to end it, but, there was one reason he didn't.

I can finally see you're as messed up as me, so how do we win?


Yeah, I'm sick of losing soulmates, won't be alone again

A/N another chapter up. Also these aren't too hard to upload so, yeah :) anyway, I hope y'all enjoyed, and I'm really happy caringkelly encouraged me to keep this story going :)

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