Kiss Me

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Kiss me out of the bearded barley, nightly, beside the green, green grass,

It was an hour before the dance, James and Thomas were currently getting ready for it. James was indifferent. Thomas was very excited. James didn't understand why Thomas was exicted. It was just a dance. And going together would grant them problems.

Swing, swing, swing the spinning step, you wear those shoes and I will wear that dress.

But Thomas didn't seem to care. James wondered if Thomas was even thinking about all the negative stuff that could happen tonight. Probably not. Thomas usually tried to look on the bright side of things. James was the complete opposite.

Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight,

After they finished getting ready they headed out to Thomas's car. He sat in the passenger seat and tried to calm himself down. He was very nervous. Thomas started the car and backed out of James's driveway.

Lead me out on the moonlit floor,

Once they got there, they saw the Schuyler Sisters and their dates. Angelica had come with Aaron. Oh. Peggy had come with Maria, and Eliza had come with... Alexander? James blushed as he realized he was walking towards his friends, while holding Thomas's hand.

Lift your open hand,

As they approached James's friends, he could feel Thomas tense. "Hi guys," James said with a slight smile. Angie smiled back, "Hello James. I'm glad you and Thomas are friends again." James and Thomas both smiled after hearing that. Thomas relaxed and lead James into the school gym, their friends following.

Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance, silver moon's sparkling,

Once they got inside the first thing Thomas did was take him to the dance floor. Thomas spun James around and pulled him close. He heard James laugh. Thomas smiled, he was deeply in love with James. And James was deeply in love with him.

So, kiss me.

James looked around the gym, he saw Eliza and Alex slow dancing to the song playing. They looked adorable. Peggy and Maria were with Aaron and Angie, by the food table. They looked like they were having fun. James looked back at Thomas, "Thomas?" Thomas smiled at him, "Yeah?" James felt his face heat up, "I love you." Thomas blushed as well, "I love you too James." James smiled.

Kiss me down by the broken tree house, swing me upon its hanging tire, bring, bring, bring your flowered hat, we'll take the trail marked on your father's map.

Before James could fathom what was happening he felt the presence of lips against his. James panicked for a second, then remembered he was with Thomas. Thomas. Thomas was kissing James. James felt his face flush, and he closed his eyes, and melted into the kiss.

Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight, lead me out on the moonlit floor

Across the gym floor, Eliza and Alex were engaged in a conversation about politics. Angelica and Aaron were dancing, and Peggy and Maria were in a corner gossiping. Probably about how cute Thomas and James were. All of James's friends were happy for him and Thomas. They were all still cautious though. This is what happened last time. But as long as James is happy, they're happy.

Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance, silver moon's sparkling, so kiss me.

A/N happy chapter yay! I wanted to update again, so here. I don't know how to write kissing scenes so sorry if that wasn't as good as it could have been ;-; but anyway I hope you enjoyed! :)

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