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I make my way back to the office through the outrageous amounts of traffic. I look at my miss calls when I get to my desk. One from Luke. Shocker. I press play and wait for some shitty excuse as to why he didn't go to auditions. "Hey Li, Ashton got in a car accident. He's being admitted into to surgery now, it would be great if you could come down to the hospital and meet me please. I'm sorry about the audition." Luke cries into the speaker. I run back out to my car. Ashton is one of Luke and I's best friends. He's two years older than us, so twenty five now I guess, but mentally he's about fifteen.

I rush to the hospital and hope that he's okay. "Luke what happened?" I say as soon as I see the teary eyed blonde boy sitting in the lobby. "Drunk driver. Head on collision. They wouldn't tell me anything else because I'm not immediate family." Luke cries into my shoulder as I take a seat on the couch beside him. "He's fine Luke. I know he is." I say not truly believing the words that came from my mouth. "You can't know that Lilah. He could be dead!" Luke says a bit to loudly.

All of the sudden crowds of paparazzi are crowding into the waiting room. "Luke is this your new girl?" Many of them asked. Luke buried his face even further into my shoulder as I scream. "Can't you see he's hurting?! Get out of here you sick fucks!" The I got up and grabbed Luke's hand leading him out to my car. "Lilah we can't leave! Calum and Michael aren't even here yet! We don't know if Ash is okay!" Luke screamed at me before collapsing to the ground. I hate seeing him like this, seeing him hurt is the worst pain I've ever experienced. And I've never seen Luke this shaken up.

"We aren't going anywhere. We'll just wait out here until the paps go away okay?" I say pulling him from the ground and into my car. "Lilah, I don't want to lose him." Luke says, tears streaming down his face. "Shh Luke I know." I say before bursting into tears myself. We don't even know exactly what happened to Ashton, but if they had to rush him into surgery, it can't be good

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