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I excuse myself from Ashtons room and into the hallway to call the studio and explain the situation, they agree to give Luke an audition and I thank them grasiously. I dial Lukes number and he picks up almost immediatley. "Please say I can still audidion?" He says hopfully. "You can but get your ass over there." I laugh into the phone. "Thank you so much Lilah!" He says happily.

"An hour ago you didn't even want this audition, what the hell changed?" I question Luke. "Well.. there's a lot going on right now and I don't really have time to explain. I'll pop by your apartment after the audition? If you're not hanaging out with Chad tonight?" Luke asks, sounding awfully bitter. Chad's my long time boyfriend who Luke seems to dispise for no good reason.

Calum, and Michael don't mind him hanging around with us but Ashton and Luke always act like complete assholes around him. "I'm actually completely free tonight. Chad's out of town for buisness." I tell Luke. "Ummhmm buisness.." Luke sneers. "Why are you so fucking convinced that he's cheating on me?" I yell into the phone earning some stares from people in the hospital.

"We'll talk later I have an audition to get to." He says hanging up the phone. "Asshole." I mutter to myself before entering Ashtons room again. "So your mad at Luke?.." Calum asks, obviously hearing my little exchange of words with Luke. "He's so convinced that Chad's cheating and I don't understand why?" I say sitting on the couch beside Michael. "When do you get to leave?" Mikey asks Ashtons as a change of subject.

"Three days." Ash sighs. "We'll come see you everyday okay? But right now the three of us are going to go get some food because I'm fucking starving." Mikey says standing. "I don't want to be here!" Ashton complains. "Next time don't drive like an idiot." Calum laughs as he walks towards the door. "Bye Ash!" Both boys call as they leave the room. I stand and walk to Ashtons bedside. I place a friendly kiss on his forehead and say, "Call me if you need anything." Then I walk towards the door. "Bye wife!" Ashton yells after me. "Bye Husband!" I yell back with a slight laugh.

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