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"Lilah's POV"

Ashton came back, but Luke went outside to talk to him. I wasn't allowed to go out with him, they didn't want Ash to freak out again. I knew he wouldn't. But they didn't want to believe me. If they were going to beat the hell out of each other, I guess today is the day to do it. They needed to get over their problem, which in hindsight was truly me.

Michael, Calum and I just sat inside and waited to see what was going to happen, none of us wanted to intrude or eg anything on. We wanted them to work it out, and hopefully this was the right way to do it.

"Ten bucks on Luke." Calum whispered to Michael causing all of us to laugh. Just then the two boys walked in. And Luke went straight back into Michael's room and slammed the door. Ashton walked in and sat on the couch, not making eye contact with anyone. Everyone was nearly silent, "So what happened?" I asked. The fact that I didn't know what happened was killing me.

"Lilah, who do you want to be with? Luke or me? That's what this all fucking comes down too." Ashton snapped at me. "Ash, you can't actually expect me to be able to answer that right here, right now." I said back, beginning to get coached up. "Answer the fucking question!" Ashton yelled standing from the couch and getting closer to me.

I coward, and whispered my answer, nearly inaudible. "It's him, ash.."
"Say it louder. I want to know." Ashton demanded, getting closer to me. "It's him. Okay? Are you fucking happy?! I'm in love with him!" I yelled and walked towards the door, the room got so silent that I could have sworn I heard his heart break. "Ashton I love you, but I'm not in love with you. After everything that happened with Chad I thought I could push myself to fall in love with you because you were by my side the whole time. But I couldn't. It's Luke, ash, it's always been him and I think you've known that." I said, then I grabbed Mike's key and walked from the apartment. I drove away; not completely sure on where I was going. But then I decided, I was going to go to the place where I always felt safe, and happy. The place were I met Luke, all those years ago when we were young and worry free. The place where I always ran to when I was scared and alone. He always knew where to find me. Always.

There was a little stream, hidden behind trees and cut off from the world. My dad has shown it to me when I was young, and I was able to ride my bike there from the house I lived at with my parents. In LA, it was odd but we lived in a large gated community, and there were plenty of hidden wonders there. But the stream was always my favorite. I would bring a book, or my journal and just spend the whole day reading or writing. Until one day I saw a little blonde haired, blue eyed boy sitting alone on the rocks near the water. I parked my bike and took my normal seat in front of a big old tree facing the water. He turned and looked at me, then walked my way. "I'm Luke, we just moved here." And extended his hand my way, I grabbed it and shook it shyly, "My names Delilah." I told him with a smile. "Do you mind if I sit with you?" He asked nicely. "Of course not." I told him and scooted over to give him a bit more room. He sat down and from that moment, I knew I'd found a someone, my someone.

I drove to the gates outside the community where my parents lived, as well as Luke's. I parked the car on the side of the street outside their home and began to walk towards my safe haven. When I got there I walked my familiar path towards my tree. I sat down in the spot where I had hidden myself from the world so many times, and pulled my knees to my chest and just began to cry. My world had fallen apart, again. And I was alone. But maybe what I needed was to be alone for awhile. To sort myself out. I just needed to figure out myself before I pulled another into my mess.

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