Just a Joke

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This small one has a few mentions of spiders so if y'all aren't comfortable with that then don't read this one, just a warning. But it's not too bad, no graphic descriptions or anything, just mentions of one :)


Prince regretted it. Pranks regretted it. Anxiety was still in his room, alone. Dad had advised him to give Anxiety some time, but Roman couldn't stand it anymore. He felt so bad, so guilty! He'd hurt his boyfriend, he'd scared him and now they were both paying.

Prince hovered outside of Anxiety's door for a few minutes, nervously trying to figure out what to say. For once, he didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to fix it. So all he could do was knock and hope for the best.

"Anxiety? Are you there, love?" He called.

"Go away." A choked voice called from inside the room. A pit opened up in Roman's chest.

"Please, Anxiety. I'm so sorry!" Prince called desperately. "It was just a joke, baby, I swear!" The door flew open with a slam.

"I know!" Anxiety yelled angrily. Fading tear trails were visible on his cheeks. "I know it wasn't real, but it scared me anyway! For a second I thought it was, and it was just sitting right there! You know I'm terrified of spiders, and I'd been having a bad day anyway. Why would you do that?" He yelled. Roman stared at his boyfriend in distress.

"I don't know, I wasn't thinking! I regret it so much, I'm so sorry, love. Are you okay?" Anxiety looked taken aback by the question.

"...Yeah. I just- it really scared me." The dark boy hunched in on himself.

"I know." Roman cooed, and gently pulled Anxiety into a hug. He didn't resist, instead clinging onto Prince tightly. "And if it's any consolation, I burned the fake spider."

Anxiety huffed a weak laugh.

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