Snowballs and Sweaters

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Merry Christmas!! This was written for the Fander Secret Santa, it can be interpreted as platonic or polysanders :) Enjoy!


"For it is plain as anyone can see, we're simply meant to be." Four voices quietly synchronised and sang along, even Logan serenely joining in with the familiar melody. As the movie drew to a close, the content, peaceful quietness was shattered by Roman's voicing piping up.

"I still can't believe we watched the Nightmare Before Christmas," he pouted, although the tone of his voice was light.

"Stop complaining, you guys already picked the first three Christmas movies we watched, it was my turn," Virgil rolled his eyes, "And besides, I already told you that it's suitable for both Halloween and Christmas."

"Now, now kiddos, don't argue, we all love the movie," Patton interjected. "And besides, now I think it's time for presents! Yay!" He beamed and jumped up off the couch, blanket sliding off his lap onto the floor. Logan shoved a few more pieces of popcorn in his mouth before standing up too.

"Yes, now the movies are over we should exchange gifts." Patton smiled brightly at him, then reached down to grab Virgil's hand and hoist him up. The fatherly trait practically bounced over to the bright tree in the corner over the room, brimming over with excitement.

The tree was laden with ornaments, shiny and colourful and delicate. Its branches were weighed down with piles of sparkly tinsel from every colour of the rainbow. The lights twinkled erratically, casting a multitude of colours over the bundles of wrapped gifts underneath. Admittedly, the tree was messy; it had been decorated with reckless enthusiastic abandon, a little too much cheer and a hint of competitiveness. Or alternatively, as Patton would say, it was made with love.

The three other traits joined Patton and flopped to the floor, each tentatively reaching under the tree and pulling out a present, then handing it to somebody else. Roman happily tore open the wrapping, leaving shreds of paper on the floor, whereas Logan methodically unfolded the paper and slid the gift out. It drove Roman wild; he shuddered and looked away in disgust.

"One of the best parts of receiving the presents is ripping open the wrapping, you heathen!" Logan threw Roman's torn up paper into his face as a reply and continued unwrapping the gift, making Virgil laugh. Patton tackle-hugged each side with every present he received. In the end the bickering died down to happy exclamations, laughter and praise. When all the presents had been unwrapped and the rubbish thrown away, each side was left with a pile of gifts.

Patton got Logan a three more ties; one was blue and covered in a snowflake design, one was striped like a rainbow, and the other was a more slightly sensible shiny blue with little black dots. He got Roman a stuffed toy of baby Simba, and Virgil a dark eyeshadow palette and new eyeliner. He also gave everybody a unique Christmas sweater, which they all put on as soon as they unwrapped them (Patton was delighted). Logan had the forethought to realise that Patton would do that, and gave him a sweater of his own. Patton had hugged Logan so tightly that the logical side feared for his ribs and lungs, but nevertheless he hugged Morality back. Logan also gave Roman an intricately designed hand-mirror, which Roman was extremely pleased with and immediately began to fix his hair in. Virgil was given a puzzle-book, filled with dreamlike scenes. 

"Now you won't have to steal mine anymore." Logan had smirked, making Virgil roll his eyes but quickly resume flicking through the elaborate pages. 

Roman gave Logan a thick book of poems, Patton a photo frame filled with photos of them all together (plus a couple of his best selfies), and Virgil posters of more Tim Burton films along with a Black Cauldron poster.

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