Without Us

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"No! I won't do what you say any longer! Its not all up to you, I'm important too, you don't know everything, I'm here for a reason!" Patton yelled, chest heaving as he blinked back tears of fury. Logic and Roman shrunk back, eyes wide.

"Whoa, calm down Morality." Prince frowned. Morality turned to him and glared.

"I will not calm down! I have been nice, I have let you two take the lead for long enough, but this is it! I have reached my breaking point! You can't keep talking down to me, or to Anxiety either! Do not patronise us, because we have a purpose too, you guys aren't as important or wise as you think you are! There is so much you don't know, so much you don't understand, because its not your job to understand, its my job, its our job! You don't get to just push us out of the way, ignore us, insult us, treat us like children or act like you're better than us because you aren't! You are going to ruin Thomas if you keep up like that, because without us you have no idea what you are doing!" He shouted, eyes flashing with anger. Everybody in the room was shocked; Anxiety was staring at him, paler than usual, and sank away without saying anything. Roman and Logan was staring at the fatherly trait in wide eyed shock. They'd never heard him yell before, he barely ever even raised his voice. And they'd never seen him so angry; Patton was usually so bubbly and goofy, but it was like he was a whole new person. He was a violent storm, a furious, seething person who had finally snapped. The change was on an unimaginable scale, but still, Logic frowned.

"Well, that isn't true. We know how to do our jobs, we manage fine without you when you don't help and simply allow Thomas to slack off and do whatever he wants, Morality. I don't see why you're suddenly to full of anger, it's completely unwarranted." He argued. Patton stared at him in shock.

"Unwarranted? Unwarranted?" He exclaimed incredulously. "You think you manage fine without me? I am the morals! I know right and wrong, you two always get so confused without me and you do the wrong thing and you mess everything up all the time because you never let me help! You do the same with Anxiety! You literally cannot function without us, no matter how amazing and above us you think you are, because you don't. Know. How. And I've let you try, I've watched you fail, I've tried to teach, I've tried to help, and now I've yelled, but you just refuse to learn." His usually cheerful voice had suddenly gone icily cold, his gaze was shooting daggers into Prince and Logan. "And now I'm going to stop. You aren't going to push me away, you aren't going to halt me, you aren't going to ignore me, because I am stopping. We'll see how you work without me. We'll see how much you miss me." Prince opened his mouth to protest, Logic began to speak, but Morality turned on his heel and disappeared. Somewhere far off in the mind, a door slammed shut with the sound of finality.

And later, when they realised they couldn't do it, realised how much they relied upon the other traits, realised how wrong they had been, how stupid they had been to underestimate, to patronise, to push away the other traits, when they realised how much they needed Anxiety and Morality... there was nothing they could do. The damage was done. Nothing was ever the same.

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