Love Is Stronger

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This one was requested, it's an Ella Enchanted AU haha. If you guys haven't seen Ella Enchanted, basically Anxiety was cursed to do whatever anybody told him to do, and the king told him to kill Prince.


The room, it was beautiful. Anxiety's fingers were linked with Roman's, and he couldn't pull them free, but he wanted to. He wanted to run away. Far away, away from Roman.

Roman, who was tugging him through the door, into The Room of Mirrors. A room of beautiful mirrors and vines, of flowers and shining reflections, a room of memories and tradition and love.

A room that would soon be where Prince died.

Anxiety couldn't stop crying.


He knew Roman was concerned; the royal boy kept casting worried glances over his shoulder at Anxiety, his eyes soft and warm. His gaze reassuring, promising, full of love, but all it served was to make Anxiety cry harder, pressing one hand against his eyelids in a fruitless attempt to stop the tears escaping. He couldn't do this.

He had to do this.

He didn't want to do this.

He had no choice.

He hated himself, he hated the king, he hated his curse, he hated what would happen at the stroke of midnight, he hated what was happening now, he hated everything. Killing Prince would be the worst thing he had ever done, and Anxiety was wishing that he could die instead. The kingdom needed Roman, Anxiety needed Roman, Prince just- Prince just couldn't die!

Yet the concealed dagger burned ice cold, it felt so heavy it was dragging Anxiety down, and it emanated with malice and evil. It signified what Anxiety was going to do, it was proof that he had no choice, he couldn't control the future, how helpless he was.

Tears dripped onto the floor, reflected a hundred times by a circle of mirrors.


Prince gently lead him up onto a small stone platform in the centre of the room, and he was looking imploringly into Anxiety's eyes, hands warm and words soft, loving, hopeful, and oh god, how could Anxiety ever kill him? He loved Roman. He loved Roman. Prince was the best thing that had ever happened to him, and he was going to ruin it all, take the one important thing on Earth and destroy it, dim the one light that shone bright in this dark world.

Drip, drip, drip, more tears, more mirrors, more evidence of what Anxiety had to do.

And now Prince was bending down, crouching, he was on one knee and please no, no no no, this was really happening, Anxiety couldn't do this!

"Anx." Roman took a deep breath, and smiled up at the darkly dressed boy, who tried to contain his tears. "Anxiety, will you marry me?" He looked so hopeful, and so in love, that it broke Anxiety's heart.

And yet, even though he knew the question had been coming, had expected it and braced himself for it, Anxiety was still stunned. Still blown away by the fact that Prince loved him back. And even though Anxiety still had tears sliding down his cheeks, his lips involuntarily turned up into a whisper of a smile, because for a second he forgot. Forgot what was about to happen. He was just swept up in the flood of wonder and amazement and love.

Then the clock struck twelve.


Immediately the smile was torn off his face, eyes widening and filling rapidly with tears, breathing coming quicker with panic as he felt the familiar pull, the irresistible tug, the force that moved his hand behind his back without his control and gripped the dagger.

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