What Love Conquers

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Derek fell asleep for the fifth time that day, Stiles staying at his side every second of it. He watched him sleep, his face like an angel sent from heaven. Dr. Deaton collected all the fragments left by the doctors, cleaning the wound out thoroughly. So far it seemed to be working for Stiles saw that color had began to come back into his skin. Stiles smiled as he saw Derek starting to get better, his coughing fits lessened. He ate more, and with the help of Stiles he was able to get exercise.

Dr. Deaton came by everyday to check on Derek's condition gladly smiling as he saw he was getting better. Stiles stayed by his side, skipping school just to be with him, though Derek disapproved, he was glad. Derek pecked Stiles' lips as they managed to get Derek up and moving. Dr. Deaton smiled with confidence as he watched Derek getting better with every hour.

"Seems like your wolf will take over the healing. We will get who did this," Dr. Deaton reassured. "Though I do have a warrant to search our prime suspects house."

"Whoa! How'd you get that?" Stiles questioned.

"I pulled some strings on our judge, reminding him that he owed me a favor, and a couple after that," Dr. Deaton smiled a pleasant smile.

"When can we go?" Derek piped up.

"No, you're not going. Derek you need to heal," Stiles ordered.

"But I want to protect you," he pleaded.

"Stiles is right, you should stay here and heal," Dr. Deaton concluded.

"Protect Stiles for me," Derek pleaded.

"He's in safe hands," Dr. Deaton assured.

"Stiles listen to me. Don't do anything foolish. I can't have you getting hurt without me there to protect you," Derek warned.

"Derek, Der-bear, I won't do anything to cause harm," Stiles promised. "I know better. Look what happened last time."

"Stiles. I'm serious. Don't get hurt," Derek caressed his cheek. "I really should go to protect you."

"No, you need to rest and heal," Stiles insisted.

"Come on Stiles, time to investigate," Dr. Deaton intervened.

Stiles gave Derek a quick peck on the lips before heading out the hospital doors with Dr. Deaton. Stiles glanced back at the hospital wanting to be at Derek's side. Dr. Deaton hurried Stiles to his car driving towards Alison's house.

Make sure Scott or Isaac are there with you at all times I don't want you to get hurt xDerek

Stiles smiled to himself as he typed a quick reply. He looked at Dr. Deaton concentrating on the road. He texted Isaac a quick notice, Scott probably still pissed off from before.

"Isaac's gonna meet us there," Stiles mentioned. "Derek's rule."

"That's fine," Dr. Deaton replied in a smooth, calm voice.

Stiles looked out the window watching the trees and cars pass by. Birds flew around in the clouds as children played in their yards with dogs or some sort of toy. Stiles smiled remembering how his mom and him used to play in the yard, his dad laughing on the steps. His mom would be proud of him now.

As memories started to flood back into his mind, tears started flowing down his cheeks in remembrance of the ones he lost. Dr. Deaton sighed as he pulled in front of Allison's house.

"You okay?" Dr. Deaton questioned.

"Yeah, just give me a second," Stiles said wiping the tears from his eyes.

Once Stiles was gathered, Dr. Deaton and himself waited for Isaac to arrive. Isaac came from behind, tapping on the passenger window. Stiles weakly smiled as he opened the door. The trio made it towards the door, ringing the doorbell once they were there.

Alison answered the door.

"Hey Stiles!" she smiled.

"Hey," Stiles glared at her as he clenched his teeth.

"We have a warrant to search your house for guns and ammunition that could have killed our patient Mr. Hale," Dr. Deaton explained holding a sheet towards her.

"Derek? Are you serious? He's fucking scary!" Allison answered hysterically as she looked over the warrant.

"He can whip your ass!" Stiles answered defensively.

"Stiles," Dr. Deaton warned.

Allison slapped Stiles across his cheek as she stepped out of the way. The trio stepped in as Allison glared at Stiles.

"Check the bedrooms, I'll check the garage," Dr. Deaton ordered.

Isaac went upstairs followed by Stiles. Allison followed the two as they went into her parents room. Isaac opened the drawers looking for anything that could potentially hurt Derek, or himself. Stiles checked the closet finding a couple guns and knives hidden in a trunk.

"What is this for?" Stiles questioned rather forcefully.

"None of your god damn business!" Alison yelled. "Get the hell out of my dad's room!"

Stiles put up his hand in defense as he sidestepped out of the room. Isaac had an apologetic look on his face, whispering softly into Alison's ear, making her grin from ear to ear.

Isaac and Stiles met Dr. Deaton in the living room. Dr. Deaton was next to a crate with a lot of guns and bullets in it. Stiles walked over wide-eyed as he looked through the crate.

"What is this for?" Stiles interrogates.

"Derek killed my mother! He's the reason my family is messed up!" Alison cried as Isaac wrapped her inside his arms. "I miss her so much."

"So you were going to kill my mate?" Stiles screamed. "The love of my life?"

"Stiles," Dr. Deaton warned.


Stiles collapsed on the floor as Isaac, Dr. Deaton, and Alison ducked for cover. They all looked over at Stiles, blood gushing from his body. The blood stained the carpet as Stiles' lifeless body laid on the ground.

Alison crying was the only sound made, no cars rushing off, not even slight footsteps running off. There was only muffled sobs. Dr. Deaton got up as he saw that the shooter was no longer there. He motioned for the others to stand as he rushed towards Stiles' lifeless body. He pushed pressure onto the wound trying to stop the bleeding. Isaac dialed 911 as Alison tried to regain Stiles' consciousness.

Sirens sounded far off as another shot was fired, hitting Alison in her left shoulder. Isaac rushed to her side as he looked around for the intruder. No one was in site, or in his sense of smell. Frustrated, he applied pressure to her wound.

"Stay with me!" Isaac yelled.

The ambulance came and whisked Stiles and Alison off to the hospital. Dr. Deaton and Isaac were left to be interrogated by the police officers.

"Did either of you see the shooter?" a deputy questioned.

"No, it happened to fast," Dr. Deaton answered looking into the deputies eyes.

"What about you?"

"I didn't see anyone," Isaac truthfully answered.

"Alright, well I'll let you guys go see your friends in the hospital. No speeding!" the deputy called after the two as they raced off.

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