Chasing Daydreams

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{Chris's P.O.V.}

Water off in the distance babbled as it ran over the rocks. The wind finally stopped leaving crisp, cool, pine-scented air behind. Cool air seeped through the cracks in the walls.

I slowly parted my eyes into the partially lit room. Sun shined through the small cracks in the ceiling. I looked around only seeing rotting furniture and demolished pieces of what looked like paintings.

I got up wincing in pain. My hands went to my side feeling the remnants of caked blood. I looked down to see the bloody mess. My shirt was tore open and a deep wound ran along my side. I tore off my sleeve and wrapped it around the cut. I slowly got to my feet and started to look around.

The brook wasn't far off the sound of the water growing louder and louder as I walked. The trees swayed in the wind making leaves fall onto the ground. Crunching noises of broken twigs sounded under my feet as the brook came into sight.

I came to a sudden stop after realizing my feet were no longer on the soft earth but instead a hard floor. I looked behind me and saw the remains of a house. It was burnt to a point, the rest of the house still intact. A huge sycamore tree was out front, or what used to be the front.

I took a step closer towards the closed door of the house. Tiptoeing closer, my heart started to pound. I lingered there in front of the door not wanting to open it. Against my better judgement I pried the door open.

The set of stairs appeared after the flurry of dust and dirt. A smell came with it, a dank, musty smell. I took a tentative step, unsure of how the stairs would hold. The stairs held as I walked down the rest of them. The basement was dark and cold, yet it had that welcome home feeling.

The floor creaked underneath my feet causing me to look down. I saw the gap between the floor boards and grew curious. I went down on one knee and put my fingers between the boards. I pried with all my might and flew backwards as the board gave.

All of a sudden the door slammed shut. I ran up the stairs to open it again, but it was sealed tightly. With all my might I tugged on the door knob until it broke. I sat down on the step and began to cry.


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