Dispare and Lies

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Derek refused the food the nurses brought him. He stared at the wall as days and weeks past by. Stiles still hadn't improved as the doctors said he was in a coma. Derek sank into depression, his body growing frail and was starting to shut down on him.

"Derek," Scott slowly walked into the room.

"Scott," Derek barely whispered as he looked over to him. "What are you doing here?"

"To see you," Scott replied. "It's about Stiles."

"How is he?" Derek's eyes lit up.

"He's doing better. He's not in a coma anymore. He wakes up every now and then, but he seems to have immobilities," Scott said softly. "I wish that I hadn't been so mean to him before."

"He's awake?" Derek asked. "He's finally awake?"

"Yes, but we need to let him rest so his body could heal," Scott put a hand on Derek's shoulder.

"I need to go home," Derek said. "Help me get out of here."

"Tonight," Scott agreed. "I'll come around eight."


Stiles slowly parted his eyes, the bright light blinding him momentarily. Tubes and wires were hooked up to his arms and other parts of his body. He rubbed his eyes and looked around expecting his dad to be there.

Stiles remembered what happened the last time he was in a hospital. The love of his life was trying to disappear on him. But Stiles remembered. He remembered where he was before he blacked out. He was at Alison's house.

"Nurse," Stiles croaked.

"Yes?" the nurse turned around. "What can I do for you?"

"Can I get some water?" he tried again.

"Sure, hon" the nurse smiled as she poured some water for him. "Here ya go."

"Thanks," Stiles smiled at her.

She nodded and walked out of the room closing the door behind her. Stiles looked down at his body, the newly wrapped bandages bright against the light. He poked at them not feeling pain. This must be a good sign, he thought.

The door that had just been shut opened and quickly shut again. Scott walked over, sweat against his forehead.

"Scott," Stiles smiled.

"Hey," Scott returned the smile. "How do you feel?"

"I can't feel my feet," Stiles answered truthfully. "But other than that I feel fine."

"Yeah, that's good," Scott rambled. "Hey, Derek's leaving tonight. Just letting you know."

"That's cool," Stiles whispered.

Where is Derek going? Doesn't Derek love him still? Why does he have to go? Stiles wondered.

"Yeah. Sorry bout the news man. I got to go," Scott said rather quickly. "See ya later."

"Bye," Stiles waved.

Stiles watched Scott leave as quickly as he came, silently and swiftly. Derek was leaving. Leaving him and probably never going to return.

"Derek!" Stiles screamed.

Stiles covered his face as he started to cry. Hot tears flowed down his face making his vision blurry. The sheets became clenched between his hands as he tried to make sense of what's going on.

"Nurse," Stiles called after he calmed down.

"Yes?" she questioned with a sweet smile.

"Can I please see Derek Hale? It's rather important," Stiles insisted.

"Sure. Let me get a wheelchair and I'll take you over there," she answered as she went to get a wheel chair.

She came back and helped Stiles into the wheelchair. She wheeled him down the hallway and into an elevator. The nurse pushed some buttons and the elevator started to move. The door opened and she wheeled him out into a hallway once again.

She turned the corner and wheeled him into a room. Derek laid on the bed sleeping. Stiles smiled to himself as he was wheeled closer to Derek.

"Derek, there's someone here to see you," the nurse said gently.

Derek stirred and rubbed his eyes. He looked at the nurse then at Stiles. His eyes lit up and he smiled.

"I'll leave you alone," the nurse smiled as she walked out of the room.

"Stiles," Derek whispered.

"Hey," Stiles smiled as he wheeled himself to the side of his bed.

"I'm so happy to see you," Derek kissed Stiles' forehead. "How do you feel?"

"I feel fine," Stiles answered. "I can't feel my feet though."

"I'm sorry for what happened. I should've been there," Derek apologized.

"No it's fine. It doesn't matter. What matters is that you're leaving?" Stiles questioned. "How could you?"

"Stiles. Sh. Calm down. I'm just leaving the hospital, not you," Derek explained.

"But Scott..." Stiles started.

"Scott didn't give you the right information then," Derek responded.

"Seems like it," Stiles spat.

"Stiles, I'm not leaving you," Derek reassured.

"No, you're not. You're just going to disappear for a while and not contact me," Stiles argued.

"Stiles," Derek waned. "I'm not going to do that."

"Nurse," Stiles called. "I'm ready to go."

The nurse wheeled Stiles out of the room, Derek feeling lost and confused. Derek softly laid his head back down and closed his eyes. It was only a matter of hours until he would leave this prison like place.


"Mom!" Scott insisted. "He needs to leave! He's just going to get worse there! It's like prison!"

"Fine. If I let him be released, will you stop pestering me?" Scott's mom asked.

"Yes," Scott agreed.

"Fine, go pack his things while I check him out," she ordered.

Scott quickly walked to Derek's room and quickly packed his things.

"Hey Derek, get up. Come one," Scott whispered as he shook Derek's shoulder.

"Scott, we're leaving?" Derek asked still half asleep.

"Yeah, now come on," Scott ushered.

"Alright," Derek said as he got up.

Derek and Scott left the hospital and got into Derek's car.

"Dude, relax," Scott ordered. "You look like you've just seen a ghost."

"Sorry man, I was just thinking," Derek answered.

"What about?" Scott inquired.

"What Stiles said today," Derek said stiffly.

"I'm here if you want to talk about it," Scott said.

"No thanks," Derek answered.

Scott and Derek sat in silence as Derek drove Scott home. Scott got out and waved as he walked into his house.

Derek drove towards the forest. He parked his car in the parking lot and got out.

Why was Stiles so cold to him? Derek wondered. Was he trying to say something?

Derek walked into the forest along the familiar path. He ran along the path as his mind began to drift. His mind drifted off to Stiles. What was Stiles' problem?

Derek stumbled and fell. He blacked out.

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