Blood Poisoning and Alcohol

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Chris stormed into the hospital, the doors slamming against the walls. He heaved down the hallway looking for that one person, Isaac. Once Isaac was in sight, Chris clenched his jaw his hands balling into fists.

"What have you done to my daughter!" Chris yelled.

"I-I," Isaac stuttered.

"Derek's your alpha! You would do anything to protect him, even if it meant hurting my daughter!" Chris pulled at the collar of Isaac's shirt. "You just wanted revenge!"

"That doesn't mean that we did something to her," Dr. Deaton entered the conversation. "The way we saw it was that she was shot by an unknown shooter. We're all victims here. Why would we shoot one of our own when we were among our enemy? Besides, none of us had guns to begin with."

"Who was the other one who got shot?" Chris inquired.

"Stiles," Isaac muttered hoping to be let free.

Chris unleashed his grip on Isaac and sat down on the chair in the hallway. His elbows rested on his knees as his head laid in his hands. He mumbled softly, sending a silent prayer to let everyone be okay.

A doctor came out of the doors, his face concerned and very apologetic looking. He greeted them with a sad smile, shaking their hands with clammy hands and a sweaty brow. He averted his eyes so he wouldn't make eye contact as he spoke.

"I'm sorry gentlemen, but it seems that Alison doesn't want to get rid of her arm, so the blood poisoning is spreading rather quickly. If you would like to say your final goodbyes now, you can," the doctor walked away.

"Alison's gone," Isaac stated as tears formed in his eyes.

Tears freely fell from Isaac and Chris' eyes and down their cheeks. Isaac fell to his knees, screaming up towards the ceiling.

"Why! Why couldn't it have been me?" Isaac yelled.

Chris left the hospital tears cascading his cheeks. He pounded the dashboard with his fists. He drove down the interstate with the silence. His heart now empty, tears still falling down his cheeks. He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand as he pulled in front of an empty field. He stepped out of his car, the wind whipping at his clothes. He walked and walked, the sight of the car disappearing. Noises faded into nothing's, the sky turning darker as the approaching storm neared. Chris looked up, tears no longer streaming from his eyes.

"Why'd you have to leave me Alison?" Chris whispered into the wind.

Leaves fluttered around him swirling into a leafy portrait against the sky. Chris, wide-eyed, looked at the portrait carefully, none of it making any sense. Chris grumbled in frustration and threw up his hands. He walked further into the forest, the storm reaching dangerously close.


"Isaac it's going to be alright," Dr. Deaton assured as they left Alison's hospital room. "She's living the life of a hero."

Isaac ran from the hospital and towards the forest. He needed to go somewhere to be alone. A storm grew nearer as he headed towards the pack house, not caring what Scott would have to say. Isaac didn't care.

Isaac quickly went to his room and fell onto his bed. Tears continued to flow down his cheeks as the rain started to pour. He laid on his back and towards the ceiling. A razor blade in hand, he stared blankly at the ceiling as he let the cold blade slide across his wrist. Blood started to flow from the cut, Isaac putting the blade down. He let his mind wander as he slowly drifted off into a sleep-like state.


"He what!" Derek screamed.

"He was shot," Dr. Deaton answered calmly standing there despite Derek's tone.

"By who!" Derek demanded his eyes growing red.

"We're unsure, no one was seen at the sight, nothing was heard either," Dr. Deaton responded.

"Fuck!" Derek yelled getting up from his bed. "Where is he?"

"Derek lay back down!" Dr. Deaton ordered.

"I ordered you to protect Stiles but you didn't. I'm going to see him whether you like it or not!" Derek denied.

"Sir please get back in bed," a nurse says. "You need bed rest."

"To hell with that!" Derek snaps as he walks away.

Derek went down the hall to find Stiles still body lying in the CC department. He walked over to him, a breathing mask over Stiles nose and mouth. Bandages were around his abdomen, the blood soaking through. The sent of Stiles' blood made Derek want to tear someone's throat out with his teeth but he knew better. He calmed down as he looked at Stiles' lifeless body.

"Stiles," Derek whispered.

No response.

"Stiles," Derek said.

No response.

"Stiles!" Derek screamed as he shook Stiles' body.

"Sir! You need to step away from him!" a nurse yelled as she grabbed Derek's wrist and pulled him back to his room.

"Is he going to die?" Derek stiffly asked.

"We're unsure at the moment," she answered walking out of the room.

Derek looked out the window, rain storming down with an unnecessary force. Lightning flashed and the thunder rolled on, not a single drop of sunlight to be found. Derek clenched his fists as he rejects the outside world.

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