As the Storm Clears

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Stiles moved his toes as he watched TV. The pictures moved along the TV as a storm moved along outside. Finally the rain stopped and Stiles smiled. He could finally go home after three weeks.

The storm pushed dangerously close to four weeks and rained nonstop for days. Stores closed due to flooding and many stayed in as they didn't want to get drenched.

A news warning came across the TV as it grabbed Stiles attention. The news lady talked about the storm an how the stores closed. They were advised to stay inside and only to go outside for important purposes.

"On other news, a missing persons report has came to our attention today," the spokeswoman said. "Chris Argent has been missing since the storm started, no one has seen him since. If you have any information to where he has gone, please contact missing persons immediately."

With that Stiles clicked off the TV and stared blankly out the window. Where did Chris go? Did he feel bad for Alison's death?

A nurse came in and grabbed Stiles' tray from that morning and replaced it with another one covered with food.

"Thank you," Stiles said as she smiled in return.

Stiles took a bite of his sandwich and thought of what he just heard. Chris Argent missing. Did he commit suicide so he could be with his family? Or did he just go out of town for a few weeks?


{The Pack House}

"Isaac! Open up!" Scott yelled as he banged on the door. "I know you're in there!"

The door flung open as Scott steamed in. Scott's hands were clenched in fists and his brow furrowed. He walked over to Isaac and turned him to face himself.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Scott screamed.

"Nothing," Isaac mumbled.

"Sure as hell you aren't doing nothing!" Scott shot back.

"Just leave me alone!" Isaac spat.

"What your doing isn't doing anything to make her come back. So you may as well get your sorry ass up and help us fight the alphas," Scott yelled as he walked away.

Isaac looked around pondering what Scott had just said. Nothing he was doing was going to make her come back, though nothing was going to get her back.

Isaac got up and walked into the adjoining bathroom. He undressed and hopped into the shower. The cold water rained down upon his body washing the tear stains away from his face.

Isaac washed off and hopped out. He grabbed a pair of fresh clothes and quickly threw them on. He walked out of his room for the first time in days and went straight to the kitchen. Grabbing a muffin he hurried out the door.

Scott was sitting on his bike, his helmet by his side. Tears ran down his face as his hands shook at his sides. Isaac felt sorry for Scott since Alison was his girlfriend and his anchor.

Isaac softly walked over to Scott and put a hand on his shoulder. Scott jumped and looked into Isaac's eyes.

"I'm sorry," Isaac whispered.

Scott fell into Isaac's arms and cried into his shirt. Isaac stroked Scott's back and ran his fingers through his hair. Whispering sweet things into his ear, Isaac finally got Scott to calm down. Scott looked into Isaac's eyes.

Isaac jumped when he felt the soft lips against his but immediately responded. Scott pulled away and put his helmet on. Shortly after Scott rode away leaving only a trail of dust behind him.

Isaac stood there watching him leave. He wasn't sure what to think about that, yet somehow it felt right. He didn't regret it, nor did he want to stop. His lips lingered with the touch of Scott's lips. He craved them, wanting more.


What the hell was that? Scott wondered. Why did I kiss Isaac?

Scott rode his motorbike to his house. Luckily his mom was still at work and he could go to his room without any distractions.

Scott went to his room and quietly closed the door. He flopped down on his bed and ran his fingers through his hair. Closing his eyes he wondered what made him kiss Isaac.

Scott sighed as he slowly felt the taste of Isaac's lips on his own. He wanted more from Isaac. Something he didn't have for months.

Ring, ring.

Scott grabbed his phone and answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey, Scott, it's Stiles. The news was on and it says Chris Argent is missing and has been for the past four weeks. Do you think it has to do with Alison?" Stiles voiced on the other end.

"Most likely. I'll get Isaac and Derek. We'll go look for him. We'll find him," Scott said before hanging up.

Scott put on a sweatshirt as he headed out the door. He dialed Isaac's number absentmindedly as Chris was the only thing on his mind. What just happened was gone.

"Hey Isaac. Chris Argent is missing. We've got to go find him," Scott informed. "Meet me at the forrest entrance."

"Sure thing," Isaac said before hanging up.

Scott got on his bike and rode to the forrest entrance. The air was cool and the breeze had picked up. The sky was grey from the passing storm water running down the street. There was no noise from any of the wildlife, just the branches falling from the trees.

Cool air whipped at Scott's hair as he stood there waiting for Isaac. He wrapped his sweatshirt tighter around his body and stuffed his hands in his pockets. Scott started passing to keep the blood moving in his body.

Pretty soon Isaac pulled up with Derek. Isaac got out but Derek didn't. He drove away once Isaac was out of the car.

"Where's Derek going?" Scott inquired.

"To go see Stiles. He hasn't seen him since their big fight last month," Isaac informed.

"Stiles said Mr. Argent went missing before the storm. We better go find him and quick," Scott said as they started walking.


{2 hours later}

"Where could he be?" Isaac questioned in the diner. "We searched everywhere!"

"Calm down, we'll find him," Scott answered.

Scott got up and paid the bill. They thanked the waiter and walked outside. Scott gave Isaac a ride to the pack house, deciding to stay there while Chris was missing.

On the way to the pack house, Scott stopped to buy a soda. Isaac was browsing the candy aisle while Scott paid for the drink. They walked outside talking quietly about Chris.

"Are you looking for Chris Argent?" an old lady asked the two boys.

"Yeah," Scott said. "What do you know?"

"I don't know much, but it can help you," the lady said with a shaky voice.

"Who are you?" Isaac questioned.

"I'm not important. What is important is your friend," she answered.

"Okay, what can you tell us?" Scott inquired.

"In the end, by the sycamore tree, where lives turned to ashes. There lies a dirty secret," said the old lady. "Heroes everywhere lose power. Mine excluded."

"What does that mean?" Scott asked.

"In the end," she repeated.

"Come on, let's go," Isaac said pulling Scott away from the old lady.

Once out of hearing, Scott turned to Isaac with a questioning eye.

"What does that mean?" Scott asked.

"I'm not sure, but we've better tell Derek and Stiles," Isaac stated.

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