For Whom the Bells Toll

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{Chris's P.O.V.}

Wood floors creaked under my feet. Barely any light shone through the cracks from the floor above. I stubbed my toe on something as I tried to search for anything that I could use for light. My hands frantically searched in front of me so I didn't run into anything.
'Where the hell am I?' I asked myself.
I still could hear the brook from outside and hear the birds chirping. How I wished I was one I those birds now. I could easily just leave this place and never come back.
My foot stubbed another thing. I felt it and found out it was a table. Then the thought occurred to me. Why can't I climb through the floor? Then another thought came to me. Why if the floor won't break? I decided to risk it anyways.
I moved the table to where the light shone the most and climbed on top of the table carefully. I put my fingers through the cracks as I put my hardest effort to pulling them down. The floor broke easily as it came crumbling on top of me as I fell on the table. The light came in quickly surrounding the room with light.
The room looked untouched except from where I moved the table. Dust settled on everything and was layered upon layer. There was a hearth on the opposite side of the room, with chairs and books. The walls were reinforced cement blocks about 2 meters thick. I looked back at the door and gasped in horror.
Under the stairs were eyes looking at me, scared and curious at the same time. They didn't move but they watched me with every move I made. Then all of a sudden more eyes appeared around the room, but only in the dark areas. None of them made a move towards the light.
Finally one of them spoke. "What are you doing here?"
"I honestly don't know. The door slammed shut and I couldn't get out." I replied as calm as I could.
"You shouldn't of broken the ceiling," another one said.
"Mother's going to be mad," said another.
"So mad," echoed another one.
"What the hell are you?" I questioned furiously.
"Dot yell at us, trespasser! We didn't come into your house and break things or move things around!" A female voice sounded.
I looked around, trying to see which one of them was talking. None of them seemed to look at me anymore, but instead at the door. I looked at the door and saw an old lady with wild black hair and fierce eyes.
"I know who you are, Chris Argent. I don't like what you did to my house, nor do I like your language towards my children. Now get off the table!" She ordered as she walked down the steps.
"Okay," I said as I climbed down the table.
Once my feet hit the ground, I was hit with extreme force and was knocked onto the ground. As I went down, my head hit the table and I went unconscious.

{Isaac's P.O.V.}

"Should we tell Derek about the old woman?" I asked Scott trying to break the silence between us.
"Yeah," Scott answered. "Hey Derek, we may have gotten something earlier."
"Other than a boner?" Derek smirked.
"Shut up!" Scott yelled. "That's not what I'm talking about!"
"Okay, then tell me what you found," Derek said, making air quotes when he said found.
"An old lady gave us a riddle. Something about a sycamore tree and ashes," Scott recalled.
Derek frowned. "You have to tell me the whole riddle."
"In the end, by the sycamore tree," I started.
"Lives turned to ashes. There lies a dirty secret. Hero's everywhere lose power, mine excluded," Scott finished.
"Fucking shit heads! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Derek yelled.
Derek rushed off as Scott and I hurried to follow him.

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