Married!TintinxReader ~Still love him~

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Request from Armoria

"Can you write about Tintin and Reader-chan meeting up after a long time, though he is married?"

(Your Pov)
You were shaking, standing outside the door that blocked you from him.
Taking a shaky breath, you knocked. Hearing familiar barking made you feel at least a little bit better.

The door opened and revealed you best friend you haven't seen in 7 years. And gosh he was still looking handsome.

"(Y/N)!" Tintin exclaimed with a wide grin, both of you wrapped your arms around eachother tightly. You felt something small scratch you leg and you already knew it was Snowy. Letting go of Tintin you crouched down and brought the white wire fox terrier into your arms and hugged him tightly, getting some wet dog kisses all over your face. You felt an arm pull you up and drag you inside the house.

"I'm so happy you came! It's been forever!" He smiled at you while he took your coat like the gentleman he is. "Yeah, it's been hasn't it?" You fake smiled at him. You could smell something being cooked from the kitchen.

"Is she already here honey?" A female voice said, which made your heart ache. Your best friend that you've had a crush married.

A brown-haired women(sorry if your hair is brown) came from the kitchen, wiping her hands of a towel. She had gorgeous honey-brown eyes. She was really pretty...

"Annabelle!(Sorry again if your name is Annabelle)This is (Y/N) whom I've been talking about!" Tintin proudly said while hanging up your coat. 'Annabelle' stepped towards you with a warm, welcoming smile and took her hand out.

"It's great to finally meet you in person (Y/N), Tintin's been babbling about you for 2 weeks," you shook her hand while giving her a polite smile. "It's nice to meet you too,"

"Now you two go to the living room and catch up, while I continue with the food!" She pushed both you and Tintin, and he kissed her cheek...

"Thanks sweetie," You heard him mumble, you wanted to run away. This hurt so much inside of you.

You both sat on the sofa and Snowy jumped up to your lap.

"I've really missed you (N/N), it's been way to long since we spoke, how are things back at your place?" He asked you with that cute grin of his you loved so much, you kept your gaze on Snowy while scratching behind his ear.

"It's fine, just the same. I've got a new job and I still live on Labrador..." You always liked to just call your home Labrador, it was like a nickname.

"Oh really? Well what do you work with?"

"I work as a secretary, my boss can get pretty rough but he is still kind to me." You loved your boss, he was quite handsome and sweet, but you didn't love him like you love Tintin.

Noone can take Tintin's place in your heart, you love him and he loves you. Though not in the same way he loves Annabelle....
(I'm sorry this was short, but I couldn't think of anything else.)

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