TintinxReader ~Matchmaking~

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I was inspired by the movie Pongo 101 dalmatians

(Snowy's pov)
Being the world famous Jornalist's companion had it's upps and downs, you get to go on adventures, find different types of bones, get to help people in need and the best of all, you get to be with the person you love.

But sometimes it got kind of boring, like this fine spring day. I was resting in my nice and warm doggy-bed, and I was having a staring contest with my reflection in my water bowl.

Yeah, I was that bored.

I decided to get up from bed and started to walk around the small apartment were me and my best friend lived in, I stopped by the open door to my friend's 'office' and peeked in. There was my best friend Tintin, sitting by his desk and typing a new story about the old ship 'The Unicorn' I think it was called. I kinda felt bad for him, he had dark rings under his eyes, problably hasn't slept in days.

Sometimes I just couldn't understand that boy, always working and keeping himself inside. I always thought that maybe he needed someone—well nobody can't take MY place of course but still. He needed someone else too, a girl.

For a human he is quite handsome, I wondered why he never tried to find a girl.....

I ran towards one of the armchairs in the living room, and just as I thought there was a magazine. I jumped up on the armchair and looked at the front page, I want Tintin to find a girl who will love him for who he is and not a girl who dates people just for their money. Well, I can't really read so that's a problem, Then I heard something. I turned my head towards the window, it sounded like a dog. I ran towards and placed my front-paws by the window and looked out, I saw a (h/c) girl carrying boxes, problably just moved here.

But what caught my attention was the dog with the girl, a wire fox terrier like me! But it had brown sadel patch on the back and—it was a female! And a really pretty one too. Then I got an idea, I could get Tintin outside and have him meet her!

I started barking and ran towards Tintin's office.

(Tintin's pov)
I heard Snowy barking and stopped working on my article. Snowy came running like his tail was on fire and jumped around.

"What is it Snowy?" I asked him, he came closer and bit down on my leg and started pulling.

"Hey stop that Snowy, what is it with you?" He kept pulling and growling. Maybe he wanted me to follow him?

"Okay okay I'm comming Snowy, I'm comming." I got up from my chair and started follow Snowy. He ran towards the window and kept barking louder. "Is something outside?" And looked out and I saw a girl with a dog getting boxes out of a moving-van. I think Mrs Finch mention something about someone moving in.

"It looks like she could use some help," I went ahead and opened the door. "Come on Snowy!" I called and he followed.

(Your pov)
This was very difficult, why did I have so many things? And one box was to heavy it made me drop it, luckily it was my box with clothes and Angel, my sweet little Fox terrier wouldn't stop barking.

"Hush Angel," I shushed her, placing a finger to my lips as I started to pick up the clothes that fell out of the box. "You could disturb our neighbours."

"Excuse me miss, but do you need help?" Someone said. I looked up to see a young boy with a wire fox terrier just like me, he had a blue sweatshirt and brown pants. His ginger colored hair was apealing to you, and that quiff, that was cute.

"Oh yes please! Thank you—"

"Tintin," He answered without letting me ask, and he started to fold the clothes spread out on the ground.

"Tintin," I reapeted, testing the name with my tounge. I smiled.

"(Y/N)" You introduced yourself as you began to pick up some shirts and duster them off.

"That's a pretty name," He smiled and wow, his smile was attractive. I blushed slightly.

"Thank you," Tintin then noticed Angel and a grin formed on his lips.

"And whose this cutie?" He asked while he offered her his hand and she sniffed it, then giving it a lick and he scratched her head. I smiled when she rolled over and he started to scratch her belly.

"That's Angel," I said. Then I noticed his dog coming towards me and I immediately picked him up and placed him on my lap.

"And whose this handsome boy?" I asked playfully while the dog started to lick my face.

"Snowy" He answered. That was adorable.


After Tintin helped me get the boxes to my apartment, which was the room across from his, I offered him some tea.

"Tea would be great," He smiled and I pointed to one of my armchairs that the moving guys had brought up, he made himself comftarble while I prepeared the tea, also with some biscuits.

I brought the tray of goodies and placed it on my coffe table and sat down on the other armchair. And for a moment we just sat there talking while sipping our tea and munched on the biscuits.

Meanwhile, Snowy and Angel played with eachother around the apartment, jumping on eachother and wrestled.

This was the best day ever.

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