TintinxRuler!Reader ~Stranded~

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Request from Youngwritergirl2
'Tintin and Haddock gets shipwrecked on a island and the natives of the island find them and takes them to their leader, the reader'
The pictures don't belong to me but the design of the clothing is~

(Tintin's Pov)
I woke up to something wet on my face, I brought up my hand and it met something furry, Snowy!
I shot my eyes open and Snowy jumps on me excited.

"Yes Snowy I'm alright. Yeah I'm here, good boy." I hug him, when I let go of him I hear a grunt beside me, I take a look and it's Haddock.

"Captain!" I stood up and got on my knees and shook him lightly. "Captain? Can you hear me?"

I see his eyes open and let out a sigh in relief. "Thundering typhoons, Tintin?" He asks grogily as I help him stand up, I help him brush of the sand on his jacket. "Are you alright?" I asked him.

"Aye, I'm fine lad." He takes a moment and looks around. "Where are we?"

"I don't know, all I remember is the lifeboat we were on and the nothing..." I said softly, the ship we were on caught on fire and we got in a lifeboat, hopefully the other passangers got out in time.

I felt someone shake my shoulder. "Uh, lad?" Captain whispered. I look around and there, just a few feet away from us stood a group of people, looking at us. They were wearing unusual but beautiful clothes and had painted symbols. One of them dropped their spear and soon the other did too, maybe they were friendly?

 One of them dropped their spear and soon the other did too, maybe they were friendly?

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One of them slowly walked up to us until he was 3 feet away.
"Strangers, are you well?" He asked. I was shocked he could talk english.
"Yes, we are...but, who are you?" I asked carefully.

"Laiko. Please, come with us. We take you to Viscountess, come." He motioned his hand towards the group, we were unsure until I locked eyes with him, and I saw he meant no harm.

"Come on Captain, Snowy."

We were walking in the jungle, hearing many different birds and other creatures. I curiously looked at the man who was called 'Laiko', he had black hair that glowed brown in the sun and he had tan skin, actually, that was how the others looked like too. They were really beautiful people, looked well fed and strong. I could also see that all of them had golden brown eyes.

"Excuse me boy, but were are ya taking us?" Haddock asked, I could tell he was nervous because he was holding Snowy in a hugging way. Laiko turned to us and smiled in reasuring.

"We take you to our camp, Viscountess help you." He said and kept on walking until we saw a rockformation with blue painted symbols. Ahead of us was a village, small but very cosy looking.

When we entered, all eyes were on us. We saw some women with children and farm animals, some had more clothing then others too, well it is pretty warm here. We stopped infront of a hut and Laiko stepped inside, problably to find this 'Viscountess'. A moment of silence and all eyes on us, Laiko came out of the hut and after him came a women. My eyes widened at her, she looked different than the others. She had blue/green eyes and slightly pale skin, her hair was (H/C). She was beautiful.

(I'm sorry if you don't have or want these colors but I wanted the reader to look special)She smiled warmly at me and the Captain and walked up to us

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(I'm sorry if you don't have or want these colors but I wanted the reader to look special)
She smiled warmly at me and the Captain and walked up to us.

"Welcome, Laiko told me they found you on the beach." She spoke fluent english! She was definately not from this island. "Could you tell me how you got here?" She asked sweetly.

"W-well you see ma'm, our ship caught on fire and our lifeboat crashed here..."
She nodded at my answer and gently caressed her chin in thought.

"You are welcome to stay here until we can help you back to your own country." She smiled again and DARE I say, she had a beautiful smile. "You must be hungry and thirsty, please follow me to my hut."
"Thank you—"
"(Y/N)" She interupted, wow, even her name was beautiful.

As we sat and drank the water she offered us I had to ask her something.

"I know what you are problably thinking, why I look different then the villagers." It was like she read my mind! Good cause I thought it would be rude to ask.
"I also was stranded here and this village took me in and brought me back to health, I became really close with the leader of this village, but he died of old age and I felt bad to just leave these people without someone to lead them, so I took his place."

"Wow, you're one tough lassie." Captain admitted, making (Y/N) laugh. "Thank you, but yeah, even tough I miss my family back home I'm quite happy here." She smiled. It made me smile aswell, not because of she was happy here but because she was so beautiful...

I think I'm going to like it here till we find a way to get home, though I hope it takes time....

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