Pranked! But u still get a story

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You just fell right into my trap.

I got this idea when I was JUST gonna go to sleep....on a school night. This is a modern AU where U, my precious cinnamon buns are the daughter of the famous Bruce Wayne and u are just returning home from Belgium(Sorry if I prenounced that wrong) with your boyfriend Tintin and introduces him to your family... on christmas

(Your Pov)

"Come on babe! They'll love you!" I dragged my boyfriend Tintin to the gates of my home, Wayne manor. Yes, I am the only daughter of Bruce Wayne or as anyone in the city likes to call, 'The princess of Gotham'.

"Oh trust me, I've faced worse than meeting a family" he chuckled and rubbed his neck. I rolled my eyes and pushed a button on the gate and a voice appeared.

"Yes?" I heard a familiar british accent and I grinned.

"Hello Alfred!" I said happily. "Miss (Y/N)! Please come in!" Then there was a buzz and the gates opened. I hooked my arm with Tintin's and started to walk, while Snowy, the little rascal started to run around and smell everything.

Once we arrived at the door, it opened to reveal and your fathers oldest friend, Alfred Pennyworth. He greeted both of us with a warm smile, you let go of Tintin and hugged the old man tightly, which he gladly returned. "Oh miss, it's so good to see you!" He said and pulled away from you.

"You too Al," I used the old nickname I always called him when I was little. Then he turned to Tintin and bowed. "And it's good to finally meet you master Augustin."

Tintin smiled lightly, he reminded him so much of Nestor back at the captain's. "You too Mr Pennyworth..."

"Master Bruce is in the living room, please allow me to take your coats."

As we walked in, I was attacked by a warm, tight hug. "I-I'ts...good to see... you too, Dick!" I barely whispered out, gosh his hugs were strong. Then he let go of me and cupped my cheeks.

"My baby sister is FINALLY hooooome!" He actually cooed at me! As if I was still a baby.
"Ugh, Diiiiiiiick! Im not a baby anymore!" I whined.

"Unhand my sister, Grayson." A young voiced piped in, making my eyes go heartform.
"DAMI!" I screetched and pulled him in for a hug, first I heard a small grumpy grunt but then I felt his arms go around my neck. As I let go of him I ruffled up his hair and laughed.

"You have grown so much!" I commented. He pushed my hand away with a "tt" and fixed his hair. Then I got a hug from Tim and a headlock from Jason.

"Be careful with your sister Jason." An all to familiar voice said and immediately I grinned, pushed Jason away from me and embraced the man who raised me. "I missed you daddy.." I buried my gace into his shirt and sighed in relief. I felt his hand go through my hair and a kiss to my forhead. I looked up at the famous man who everyone described as a playboy.

"I missed you too baby-girl.."

(Normal Pov)
Tintin watched with a smile as he watched (Y/N) and her father hug eachother, seeing her happy always made him happy. But then, Bruce Wayne's pair of blue eyes met his and he pulled away from the hug. (Y/N) turned around to him and smiled, walking up to him and grabbing his arm.

"Dad, guys. This is Tintin, my boyfriend." She said with a hint of pride. All eyes were on the poor journalist.
"tt, Tintin? That's a ridi———" Damian glared at the ginger haired man but Tim clasped his hand to Damian's mouth so he couldn't finsih his sentence.

"That's a....unique name.." He smiled sheepishly, then getting a elbow in the stomach by the youngest Wayne. Dick walked up to the couple and offered him his hand with a warm smile.

"Well it's nice to finally meet you! Im Richard but everyone calls me Dick!" Feeling welcomed by the smile, Tintin grabbed Dick's hand and shook it with a smile of his own.

"Nice to meet you too, (Y/N)'s told me alot about you."

"All good I hope!"

(Y/N) smiled at the two of them, but then she felt something scratch her leg and looked down to see Snowy, wanting attention.

"Oh! And this is Snowy!" She said while crouching down beside the white dog.
"That looks like a rat." Damian commented, but also croutched down beside (Y/N) and reached his hand for Snowy to sniff, but instead, Snowy jumped up onto Damian's lap and licked his face while his tail wagged.

"tt. I guess he's fine."

After the intoduction, Alfred made dinner and everyone was sitting at the dining table.

"So, Tintin." Your father's voice caught everyones attention, you watched as you boyfriend wiped his mouth with a napkin and waited for Bruce to continue.

"I've heard from (Y/N) that you are a reporter?"

"Um...journalist actually Mr Wayne. I write about crimes and my adventures."

That caught everyones interest. "What kind of adventure?" Tim asked curious, but I could tell he already had googled everything about Tintin.

"I've been to so many different contries, and everytime there is always a call for help, I'm kind of pulled into trouble. Like when I was trying to solve a mystery about a ship called the Unicorn." Tintin said, I remember that time! Such fun and scary memories.

"I' about that ship, said it was blown up and the crew died with it, except one." Tim spoke up, of course he had read it. "Well my good friend captain Haddock's is actually the descendant of that one survivor, sadly he couldn't join us tonight." Tintint pulled up a photo from his pocket and handed it to Tim who studied it. It was a picture of Tintin, captain Haddock and me outside of the Marlinspike Hall.

"Sounds like to me you are quite the troublemaker." Jason snickered while he leaned back in his chair. I was about to speak up when Tintin did.

"I like to say that trouble finds me." He wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"Sounds like you really like your job then!" Dick said, smiling. But Damian wasn't quite impressed.

"Sounds like alot of things from a child's head, how are we suppose to know that you aren't lying?" He just had to test him, he awlays does.

"Damian..." Dad warned but Tintint just smiled and my lil brother. "Well, your sister was there when it happend, and you trustyour sister, don't you Damian?"



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