Chapter 1

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This story that I have began writing on friday formally came through the random title 'More than you know', but it sounded too long, so I brain-stormed a title similar to it.


We have "A Keeper's Secret'. It's being written with a pen on notebook paper. This is a Single book with no sequals or anything, but it may change if I get many comments or likes. ^^;


    Finders keepers,

        Loser weepers,

      What you found,

        Is yours~

   I found a square box at the beach today, in the water,but for some reason it is entangled by seaweed like they had been planted there for years. Some one left a perfectly good game in the water unatended! I thought to myself,dragging the object out the sandy ground and to ground level. Guess it's mine sore loser!

           I used both hands to trudge the box on the until I was away from the waves.  Better check what I dug from the sand. I mentally told myself,kneeling down at the object and wiped off the seaweeds that I discovered to be growing on the soil ontop the wooden box.

          "Alex!" Mom called out. "What did you find?"

            My name is Alex Henderson of New Orleans, age 15. My mother is hard bent on having me pass high school unlike she did with my Dad and do stupid things that I would probably regret in th--Dad on the other hand, wants me to experience what life has to offer in the teenage era of High school unlike Mom--the future.

          "I don't know." I say, lifting the box to the area that Dad planted our ridiculously  multicolored umbrella beside the radio and towel, thenDad lowered his black sunglasses from his eyes to his nose,while he sat on the portable blue chair beneath the shed.

         Plus, being the only child has major advantages. I know this might change next year.

        "Is my eyes fooling me or am I seeing a box similar to the one from Jumanji?" Dad said, uncovering the dirt using his foot. Lazy like a bear.After he uncovered the top,--being lazy--it has the word 'Keeper' imprinted boldly as it is big enough that I could see partially two lines penetrating from each side.

     "Nah." My mom denied the strong resemblance. "It says 'Keeper'."

    "I wanna see whats inside." I said, reaching my hand out to the object.

        "Don't touch the place my feet wiped off!" Dad snapps, a look of disgust on his face. "Not completely clean yet!"

          "It may be dangerous." Mom added, picking up the box.

    "Is there shark bites on it?" A hot familiar chick voice unexpectedly comes in, this girl is standing at the side as she twirls her orange hair. "My little sis played the game and she said it had been tons of fun."

           I wanted to shout 'victory' so bad.

          "Better safe than sorry." My mother protested,walking back to the family jeep. "No, there is not a sign of shark bites."

            "Lucky." The chick said,watching Mom going to the jeep. "My mom let my sister play the game without a single worry."

            "S-S-s-s-s-o-so w-w-w-hats the theme?' I stuttered uncontrollably,my speech preventing me from saying what I wanted to say in the first place.

       "Who made it?" My Dad, Ryan Henderson, tails onto the stream of questions.

        She rubs her hair of fire.

        "Honestly," She began,relieving a sigh. "I don't know."

         "Can your Sis tell us the theme?" I  ask,free of the stutters.

            Her face turns stone cold.

         "She...." The Hot chick turns around from me nd my dad,but I somehow knew she could not get the words out of her mouth.

        "Aha!" Mom said, strangely happy. "I am right about this precaution!"

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