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         I was off by three pages.

        "My--what--who--this is insane!" I said,while I rub my hair and pace across the room.

       "Insane that you have a white T-shirt and blue jeans like your character?" Kristina suggested, her eyes watching me back and fourth.

          I stopped.

      "This is getting creepy." I muttered to myself, looking down to my Wii. Mary...Instead of playing this game, I should destroy it before more sick things happen! "Do you have a gun?"

        Kristina eye's sparkled for a minute, but then they resided to their normal size.

       "Outside in the backyard shed." Kristina said, shutting the lid to the jar and gave me the correct key from the handle of crowdness. "Everything in my sight gets a lock or key."

        I laughed.

      "So you a lockergeek?"

      "My speciality aside from babysitting and being a secret agent."

     I could defintely picture Kristina working for the goverment with a black suit and dark sunglasses to cover her eyes similer to a certian film that has washed away from my memory of game titles and gamming on skills.

   You are probably asking, why is this the epilogue?

    My experiance is very short by so many chapters and I know for sure this is the end for the game itself ,so blah blah blah blah blah and blah blah blah blah--Annoyed already? Great! You should be anooyed until the end of this revalation or however you spell it.

     I went out to the backyard and came over to the shed that is gray with a black roof at the top.

   Wow,whoever built this must have a daring personality. I thought, with awe as I stood looking at the shed. Makes sense for somebody who wishes to hide his/her shotgun. I rationalized and unlocked the shed.


    I felt my body hit the doors, then I  land on the grass;  From my obscure view, I could see smoke drifting from the building like a deadly phantom hindering it's victim from the darkness that would keep anyone from hearing the plead for help.

    I have watched several Horror movies. I call myself a expert to know if a movie is entitledly great for it's target. Most times, there are epic fails at the best movie theatres airing rated movies with the best director in town. Little Irony here.

    I stand on both feet and watched the burning fire.

   "Oh my gauze." I said, watching the flames licking the buildings walls. "She detonated the entire building!"

     "And the box."

     I swirled my body to the left, where George Washington is smoking a pipe strongly resembling one from Cok-I The Navy man

    "Why are you still here?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

   Washington makes a smoke ring that made the shape of our American Flag.

   "Have you ever seen a movie where a box is thrown into the river and the two players who particpated in it grew up?" The Presidents ghost said, making another smoke ring which formed a horse. "Those medicine stuff are too complicated for me these days to understand."

    I ran into a laughing fit.

   "George Washington is a comedian!" I declared, leaning against the shed and folded my arms as I grinned. "I have seen it."

     Then, I froze.

    This game is connected to several other counterparts of itself and possibly could be outragously constructed in several other universes--"but the one  destroyed was too powerful and it needed to gone." Washington explained,taking another puff like reading my thoughts. "Your girlfriend from last night will have some of her memories intact from age nine to age fourteen."

    I sighed with relief.

    "Hah, you never had a cold!"

     How did Joseph get here? I thought, turning my direction to the very backyard. I didn't know for one that I would not see as expected to see.

    Joseph is a transparent ghost white outlined by a dark sky blue, there are far more words given via an adult to give this scene such a eerie feeling like you were witnessing something unworldly and odd.

     "Y-y--y-y-y-y-y-yyou are dead?"  I  said, dumbstruck.

    "There's more fun to do as a ghost than alive." Joseph said, grinning ear to ear. "I messed up the warrants system  at the FBI HQ,guess what they are in!"

     "Locked in a muesuem?" I said, feeling light-hearted enough to smile.

    "No, better yet, in jail for four days!"

    Joseph is laughing harder than I have ever seen him.

   "This boy died by a Train." Washington told,his smoke rings changed into a dragon pattern. "Go home, they are coming."

    "Who's th--" I started, but I heard sirens from afar and my internal skadaddle instinct kicked in.

   Who knows what happened inside and how she got the bomb. Kristina simply wanted revenge over the death of her sister...You wana know how she died? This is going to be hard,but...she was hit to death by a hammer.

   I will never play another Paranormal game in my life.


    We hear the theme song from the X-Folders more in a Spanish side, where a newly wed couple are browsing the market for a handheld game to play without using a screen or the use of technology spoiling the minds of everyone.

   "Sonia, what about this game?" Colitic Felic said, holding a box with a crystal in the middle. "The guardián is well received in America to be the best game for new weds!"

   A little doubious,Sonia at first declined.

   "Felic, doesn't it mean Keeper in English?" Sonia said, with a frown on her face.

  Felic put the box back.

  "Honey, it won't take a year from our lives." He reassured her, wrapping his hands around her shoulder. "Just one day. un día."

   Little did they know,Sonia had good reason to be doubious

                                                       THE END.


   Hey folks,thanks for reading this short story!

I don't know if this may ever or someday get written with a sequel in 2014 or 2013, but I know for sure this is end of Alex's experiance. If you think this story is utterly awesome, please comment!

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