Chapter 7

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             I returned my attention to the game, long resuming my respectiviely pressing the '2' button for extra movies and attacks; Typically, I am not very worried about having three lives but having one life leads me to become paranoid.

        Odd..I thought, continusly playing the game as I had shrugged it off for the goose bumps.This has not happened before.

       Maybe a hour or two later, we have gained a few levels and slaughtered several skeleton troops which we are now at the exit point towards the dark brown forest seemingly resembling what other people would see in a cartoon.

        "The dead forest is the main setting of your adventure." Mary began reading,using her best dramatic voice. "But be warned, dangerous consequences occur if you turn back from your own path."

       "Hah hah." I laughed, throwing a cheese ball into my mouth. "Everyonee does it!"

       Mary joined into the laughter.

        "I know right!" She said, laughing as her hand coricentally presssed the direction and untentionally moved her character foward. "Alec, get me a gatoriad!"

       "Sure." I stand up,taking my Wii while going to the Kitchen. "What color?"  


        Blue as usual. I chuckled to myself,knowing it is her favorite color. Why does she love the color so much?

       I opened the cooler beside the big white refridgerator and took the blue gatoriade from the icy box. Too much Ice. I mentally tell myself, shaking my head and returned to the room.

       "Got it." I said; handing her the drink, then I sat back into my chair to continue playing.

        "Alec, do you ever feel someone is watching you?" Mary asks me, a little worred as she held the bottle.

         "Life is a movie, everyone is watching us, what do you expect?" I jokingly said, laughing. "Answer to your question. No."

        Mary sighed.

         I noticed her character is already in the woods,along with several other enemie creatures that were ugly-looking but I knew one of them was a Werewolf just by the tail and werewolf feet which only a dog could have.

        Keep in mind Mary is afraid of the dark; so she takes other people with her into buildings usually dark at night,casually that somebody must remind her she isn't a big scaredy cat as she had said before.

        Oh man.I thought,noticing a crowd of those creatures sarrounding her character. She's cornered!

          "Thats it." She said, doing a pucker face."I'm turning around."

      Her character jumps over the crowd, thus runniing back to the exit when 'the dead screen' vaporized the entirety of the backgriound sizzling black and white channels presumbably broken--I take English Class for your information--as a little blue dot glows.

        "What the heck?" Mary said, raising a eyebrow upward. "Is your TV  broken or is--" She looks to her Wii.-- "Messed up?"

         Then a big transparent blue--what I would call-- Wich head popped out of the Tv, it emitted a death defying scream that was so loud it broke all the windows within five minutes of being out in the open.

        "TURN IT OFF!" Mary screamed,covering her ears.

        I must stop the noise! I thought, going through the strong gust similer to a hurricane's wind.

         "By the power of the...uh..reptile guy from the HP serise,Merlin, and the guy who hates snakes!" I started,raising my hand above the 'off' button. "I turn you off!"

         I slammed my hand onto it, turning the screen off.

      "Al-al-al-al-al-al-a-a-a-a-Alec, I am scared." Mary said,all of a sudden.

      "You are what?" I said, dumbounded of she had told me. so I came over to the couch where Mary sat at gazing to the box and I saw  Slimey words appeared ontop the computer moniter lodged into the board once I came over.

             I am dark, deadly, and dangerous. My furious strikes end a life by one bang. No one can escape my sight. What am I?

        My attention switched to the left hand side of the box, where the instructions are boldly printed enough that I can see the words clearly like story-form.

          "When a Paranormal event occurers from the screen,something ghostly oppossite happens than what is said from the moniter." I read aloud.

          "A GHOST game?" Mary declared; she knows I usually play games that inviovle weapons  and guns to kill enemies in my way. Video games mixed with Paranormal is not my cup of tea.

        I put my controller into the box, so did Mary since she has a big belief in the afterlife and so on.


     I look back to the moniter which has some words starting to appear, but I close the lid before it can completely show itself with more information. "Garbedge day is tommorrow." I said, gazing around the room with broken windows. "I will tell mom robbers tried to brake in."

"Right," Mary nodded, opening the door. "Get rid of it."

There is a awkward pause.

"I have to go anyway." Mary said, taking the box. "I can put it into the garbedge."

Once she took the box away, I felt a flow of relief come through my body. Good, it's over.I thought, closing the door after Mary left the building.

Little did I know, I was VERY wrong.

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