Chapter 3

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Weepers weep,

From their loss,




                   Once they parked into the drive-way, I noticed the shadow of Mary sitting in the dining room smoking a cigeratte as she did typically. She recently picked up the habit as a Junior. It's not uncommon to find her inside another persons home unexplainably.

               "Ryan!" Mom cried out,  her breath turned into the harsh one that I usually recieved after I did something wrong. "You didn't lock the door."

              "What?" Dad fusses, unlocking his door. "I always lock the--"

              "Mary's the master of doors." I interuppted,shutting my jeep door after I stepped out.

               "You know why she's here." Mom growls, her voice switched into vemon as I can tell she has very low tolerance for my school friends coming unexpectedly.

                "I do?" I say,raising a eyebrrow at her. "I'm surprised as you."

                Maybe Mom was in her bad mood, I wouldn't no, but I solemly swear she can read my mind like a true Psychic.

             "Alex, get the towels and umbrella from the Jeep!" Mom ordered me,while holding the board in both arms.

             "Carla." Dad said,unlocking the trunk for me using the black mobile device. "You should be a director instead of a newswoman."

            My Mom is so sneaky. I mentally thought, opening the trunk window. Mom makes everyting more complicated than they are supposed to be, sometimies in the end, it  all turns out nearly impossible. Most of the time...the result is good!

              That is exactly what she did for my tenth birthday.

             I take our neately folded towels out the jeep, then I also  lift the big umbrella from the vehicle.Man, this is heavy! I thought, coming towards the house.

             "The Job has good advantages." Mom bickered,opening the door. "Next time  lady, when you use a credit c--"

              "She'll bite your head off." Dad finished,joking about her babbles.

               I saw a trinkle in Mary's eyes.

               "Did you hear," She starts,slightly waving the ciggerate in smoke screen circles. "About the house robbers?"

               I dragg the umbrella into the big white closet where most of the items go during the holidays in 365 days of the year. Once upon a time, it was long and wide enough that it could hold a group of high school chicks for one party alone.

              "House robbers?!" Dad exclaimed,loud enough that  I heard his voice from clear down the hallway and it sounded just as dramatic from 'Romeo and Juliet' but being a different situation instead.

           Dad is a lock geek. I thought,walking back to the dining room. Dad attached ALL the locks onto the house after he had married my mother before I was even born like a year prior to Mom delivering me in a hospital.

        "Yeah, they have been raiding peoples houses this weekend." Mary said, taking a puff of smoke. "Been a while since I made you flabbergasted Mrs Henderson."

      I watched Mom slid the Clean board underneath the long comfortable couch  that is a diffucult for a place to reach for short armed boys like ME. I am considered to be the oddest,geekiest, and best gamer who knows how to play a game good.

     "You could be one of them!" Mom declared,standing on her feet.

      "But I am not." Mary says, giggling as if Mom is joking. "There is ten."

   I sit in a white chair a few feet away from the tv, to the right, ,just to  watch a caotic scene unfold before my sight.

    "Ten!Ten!" Dad repeated, leaving the room to the hallway. "thats it! I am buying a big lock and a security device for the house."

   "Ryan don't go crazy!" Mom mention. where a frown formed on her face and turned her head back to Mary.  "You won't get in next time."

     "Wanna bet?" Mary mischeviously retorted,when a smile came over her face.

      "She broke into the hair saloon." I added,folding my arms. "Remember?"

      Mom's eyes grimaced, probably recollecting the painful result from her giving Mary a bad hair cut that did not end up all so well. I remember her head being bald the entire school year and she wore a hat inside  buildings despite breaking the rules.

      "Until next time..."Mom begins to babble,walking to the hallway. "I will be ready to report your for breaking and entering."

      Mary is exceptionally fearless, so when mother turned her back away, she stuck her toungue out at her. unknown to Mom.

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