Chapter 9

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     Dad skid the Jeep into the front entrance of the Hospital without landing through the sliding doors stood on protection to keep heating inside. But for me, coriecentally, they opened when the Jeep stopped.

       "Get out."


        "I said, get out!"

        Dad booted me out the jeep, using his right boot that managed to click the seat buckle and let me fall from the Jeep.

        "I expect you unscathed when you get home." Dad said, unappeased. "See you later crocodile."

            I realized right then and there, my dad is buying time for me from mom, who usually is worried about if seen on the television

                Wait a minute.

                If he's doing that, then Mom must have seen the Ghost Video via the job as the news woman. I should not worry about her. I have somebody else to worry about: Mary.

              I sat watching Dad's Jeep drive away leaving skid marks on the gray stretch of road.

             "I'm coming." I said aloud to no one in particulare,getting up.

          I walk into the Hospital, which does not slightly resemble a white appearance from those movies; instead, the walls are a dark gray, I see chairs at the hallways sides, and the corner of a broken TV set perched above to the corner of a waiting room.

             There is a busy reception lady filling out what I think to be paperwork.

                 "What room is Mary Chaos Briggs in?" I asked the lady, after coming down the hallway.

                 "Room 42,floor five." The lady said, her glasses slid down from her nose and she repeatedly moved them back up. "Are you the Short armed boy?"

              "Yeah." I nodded,eager to use the elevator. "Gotta go, my Girlfri--I mean my friends waiting for me."

              I could have sworn, I saw a warm smile on her face.


           I walk into the most nearby elevator. Man,it so big and hugggggggggggggeee. I thought,engrossed by the massive machine. Floor 5. After pressing the number, the button glowed a bright yellow and lights all around the machine emitted florescent lights as it goes up.

          "How strange..." I said, looking down the floor. "Mary landed in the hospital...Video goes viral...I see Washingtons Ghost..."

         I gaze to the cieling.

      "All in two days." I grumbled,grudgingly directing my attention to the doors.


        I walk through the doors and headed down the hallway that has numbered cards sticking from each doors top frame. Room 42 is a few feet away. When I get closer...I see  Mary's mom and her little brother sitting in chairs next to the door.

     Ms. Briggs lifted her head at my direction with her masscerra all messed up.

    "Are you...The boy who my daughter asked for?" The Woman asked,her voice is shaken.

       I nod.

     "She's waiting for you."  Ms. Briggs said, lacing the right hand onto her legs and pointed at the room. "In there."

     This really must be bad. I mentally thought to myself,feeling pity for her mother.

          Then I strolled into the room, where I see a doctor inn a white coat beside Mary's bed, but I see from the nick of my eye a grim expression on his face. Playing video games come in handy to notice vital details.

     The Doc looks to me.

      "Alex Henderson?" He asked, a sad expression on his face.

       "Yes." I squeaked, a little surprised to see a man who could have been a actor and I saw his name  Joe Patterson by his name tag.

       "We owe her for breaking into the hospital and stopping a newborn kidnapping in progress." The Doctor said, motioning himself to the bed. "You are lucky."

     The Doctor left the room, perpetually leaving me stunned.

     She broke into the Hospital...I hesitated,my legs frozen to the floor.

         For a better explanation;One year ago from today, we did a 'I dare you to...' game which I freed all of the dogs from the pound ,Mary distracted him by making flirty remarks at him. I dared her to break into the darkest place alone. I waited and waited to hear if she did break in.

       Mary's a genius for secrets.

       I come towards Mary's unresponsive body,she is almost like those people in medical drama series who is in a coma; Mary is really a fighter, it is easily proved because her iron-clad left hand is sticking out and holding the cell phone.

    I understand why she kept it so tight.

    I tugged the phone from the ice-cold grasp to no prevail. It will not budge. This is going to be a little awkward. I thought ,looking to Mary's face covered by white gauze. I do not know what happened to her...but...

     The annoying sounds of a distinctive machines makes the high pitch beeping noise as one machine goes up and down within a container within the blue room that didn't make it better than it is now.

    "Mary,If you are still there..." I begin my fingers around the phone and the clipboards on the front of her bed has scribbled  handwriting that I would not bother to read. "Can you let go of the Phone? Today's a Monday, How convenient." I nervously laugh.

     I patiently waited a few seconds,then the fingers sarrounding the phone slid down.

      "Thank you,Mary." I mumbled, taking the closed phone from her grasp and start heading out from the room.

     I see Kristina's name and phone number.

     At least, I can FINALLY get some answers from her. I thought, out of the room by now. But my attention turns away to the Brigg family who are listening to the doctor and Mary's mom has a more devastated expression on her face.

    Ms Briggs cracky voice is the first thing I can hear, but, inbetween there are traces of weeping as the faintest words meet my ears: "How long will she be like this?"

    "Half a year." The Doc said, I saw he is trying his definite best to not break down. "She may not remember various parts of her life."

  S-s--s-s-s--she may not remember me...This thought was the only one to breach my mind. These news were a heartbreak to hear. Both my legs trembled.

   "What happened to the brain and Skull is really horrifying...But..." The Doc said, I could tell he notice that I had my phone. "It's a miracle that she is still hanging on."

    I dashed away from the room.

    I must get that box!   

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