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DISCLAIMER: I now have a new, rewritten version of this fic that is, in my opinion, WAY more thought out and well-written. It has been well over a year since I've written this fanfiction, and I've developed a much needed mature authorization style, and I have also grown as a person and as an author. If you would check that out, I would be more than delighted!

It was a normal day at Fyld Highschool until a guy outside the classroom window set the roof on fire.

All of us could be sure it was on purpose, but I had a feeling the guy did it accidentally. My name, Hope Jude, is a popular name around here in New York. I live in the capital city, Albany, which makes my name even worse. I bet you want to know why my name is so famous. It's because my Mom is a famous composer. She wrote millions of songs, and I personally love the lyre. It just is so...what do you call it? Beautiful? Interesting? Well, back to the point.

I could swear the boy had actually produced the fire with his hands. I know it sounds crazy, but I could swear to God he did it with his own physical body. I only caught a glance at him, but he had an orange shirt on with black letters on it. He had curly hair and then kinda set his pants on fire.

So yeah, you could call me a freak, a maniac, or even a fraud, but I still think it was real.

My best friend, Kevyn, has a leg deflect problem so he gets excused out of P.E. He always wears a gray beanie and only talks to me, though he does seem to have some sort of connection to the wild. Most people make fun of him, but I think he should be treated like any other person. Kevyn is like a brother to me--not like, you know, a boyfriend or anything. Nope! Not that.

"Hope, we have to go with that boy.Now!" Kevyn blurted out suddenly. He grabbed my arm and ran off before I could even reply with an, 'Ok'. We reached the boy with the curly hair and orange T-Shirt. "Leo-- has the Chimera reached the school yet?" Kevyn asked. "Wha-" I started to say. "Gotcha, Kevyn. Clarrise has got it held back over on Harrison!" The boy, named Leo, asked. "Who are you? Kevyn, who's Leo? Who's Clarrise? There is no such thing as a Chimera!" I said twisting my arm trying to get free from Kevyn's grip.

Leo's elvish smirk wiped off his face. "There's the monster!" Leo screamed and, without thinking, I grabbed Kevyn's hand. To my surprise, he bleated like a goat, so I kinda let go as fast as I grabbed his hand. "Kevyn, did you just--did you just bleat like a goat?" Kevyn turned bright red. "No time to explain! Let's go!" He said urging me to follow him. I ran with him until we reached this--chariot?

"Get in!" Kevyn said reaching out to me. I grabbed his hand and got in. "Hiya!" He yelled with a Chimera chasing our tail. As soon as we got started, we're what it looked like to be, in a camp. I almost threw up on the way, but, I mean, that's fine, right? Ha. Kevyn breathed heavily and wobbled out of the chariot.

"Here we are, Camp-Half-Blood," He said running towards a blue house, so I followed him. I mean, no stranger-danger, right? I think I can trust Kevyn. I think. I looked around. Some other kids--looking about seven to twenty--wondered around the Camp, as Kevyn addressed it. I saw two kids, they looked about sixteen, my age, were running around squirting water at everyone.

Then I saw something that surprised me. I saw a man. Not a normal man, but a man that had a body of a horse. A centaur. "Wow!" I said. "Kevyn, you successfully brought another demigod to camp. Great job!" The horseman said. "You must be Hope. I'm Chiron, the camp adviser. Nice to meet you!" Chiron said, with a warm smile. I shakily took his hand and shook it. "Kevyn...," I said. He sighed. "Hope, your a demigod. You are half Mortal, half god. Your godly parent will probably claim you at the campfire tonight. Meanwhile, you will be staying in the Hermes cabin," Kevyn said boringly like he had done this million of times before. He probably has. "So, you're a demigod too?" I asked.

"No. I'm a--I'm a satyr. Half man half--half goat. That's why I bleated," Kevyn said. I gasped. "My best friend is a goat?" I said. "Basically," he said. "Follow me!" I followed him to a cabin that looked like a mailbox mixed with a normal house. A fireplace was in the middle of the U-shaped cabins--the cabins of the gods apparently. I walked into the Hermes cabin. Everybody stopped what they were doing.

"Hope, welcome to the Hermes cabin. You will be staying here until you have been claimed,"

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