Someone Special Pays Us a Visit

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As the boys were looking at their new room, I decided to have time to myself. I looked around my new room until  found a small book the size of my hand. I opened it, and to my surprise, I found out that it was my old diary. I giggled to myself and opened it. This was what it said:

Deer Diary, 

My name is Hope and I am in seconed grade. My teecher is mean. I am sevan years old. I like this boy named Gorge. He is awesome. He likes olives.

Good Bie!

Yes. There is a lot of spelling mistakes. I read more and found myself on the second to last page. That is when Connor and Travis came in. "What are you reading?" Connor said, slowly walking towards me. I jumped up and hid the diary behing my back. My face turned red. "N-Nothing!" I stuttered. Travis looked behind my back. "We know you are hiding it, you know," He said, stating the obvious. I sighed and gave it to him. He opened the book, and read it silently. I could see him mouthing the words. Suddenly, he burst out laughing. "W-What the heck? You sucked at spelling!" He said, forcing the words out. I turned beet red. 

"I was in second grade!" I screamed, crossing my arms, and avoiding eye contact. He handed it back to be. Connor looked confused. I looked at him. "It was my diary. I was little," I said. Connor smirked. "Ohhh...," He said. I rolled my eyes. The doorbell rang. I jumped out of bed and raced to it. It was a game me and my mom play. We try to get to the door first. My mom was about to get there when I slid in front of her. "Touchdown!" I yelled in front of her. She laughed. "You won that one, princess," I stood up straight and smiled. Travis and Connor were looking down at me from the stairs. They looked tottaly confused. I giggled at them and opened the door.

In front of me stood a man. A very tall man.

My mom turned red and whisperd to my ear. "Honey, This is my...boyfriend, Ryan. Be nice, okay? He has never met the family before, or been in this house, got it?" I looked at Ryan. Perfect red hair, fancy suit, a nice smile. I see why mom likes this guy. My mom ushered him in. "Please, sit down," He nodded and sat down on the couch. "So," He said with a deep soothing voice. "That's your daughter?" Mom nodded. "Yes. She went to---a summer camp for awhile. That is why you never met her," She said. I nodded and shook his hand. "You, young lady, are very beautiful. Just like your mother," He looked up. "Your sons? Um...twins?" She looked up at them. "Goodness, no. That is Travis and Connor. They are staying for the summer. Travis is Hopes' boyfriend, They aren't twins, actually,"

Ryan chuckled. "Ah, I see. Sorry to mistake them," I gestured to them to come down and meet him, and they hesitated, and then came. Travis ruffled his hair and Connor chuckled nervously as they shook his hand. Ryan smiled and then winked at me. "Got yourself a mighty fine lad, if I do say so myself," I blushed and Travis laughed nervously.

My Mom coughed. "Casserole?" She said. "I would love some!" Ryan said, getting up. As they walked to the kitchen talking, Connor and Travis sat down. "Well. That was awkward. Do you know this guy?" Travis said. "Nope," I said. "Just met him. He's my moms' boyfriend,"  I said sitting down next to them. "So...what are you gonna do when school starts?" Connor raised an eyebrow. "I--I don't know. I guess go to your school?" He said. Travis nodded. "Oh...yeah. I guess,"

We walked to the kitchen and ate moms' casserole and then Ryan left. My mom kissed me goodnight and then went to bed herself.

It was a pretty awkward day. 

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