Chapter 3

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The chat I just had with the principal of this fine establishment, was interesting. He had no problem talking with my sisters and brothers about their achievements and that he is so happy that they're here. And when the conversation turned to me, he gave me such a disappointed look. My life's great, just amazing.

My locker was on the third floor and my classes on the fifth. We did have extra time for class because we're so new to the school. But I wanted to get there on time, start new. With the correct books and schedule in hand, I raced up the stairs like an idiot in 3 inched heels. I tripped up the last step going onto the fifth floor and fell hard on my stomach. My books flew everywhere and shut my eyes tight. The bright car lights filled my view for a split second and I just waited for the reset to happen, but the pain stayed. Guess it wasn't that extreme, but still painfully embarrassing.

"Are you okay?" A concerned voice came up close behind me as I sat up right. A stream of blood coming from my busted lip. A girl with platinum blond hair and light blue eyes sat next to me with a worried look. She was concerned. That's new.

"I'm fine." I gathered my stuff and stood up, feeling wobbly on my ankles. Pulling up my sleeve to my hand, I wiped the blood off my face and felt as if nothing had happened. I mean expect for the throbbing pain coming from my stomach. The blond girl stood up. She was wearing black jeans, a purple long sleeve and a choker. Her hair was pulled into a loose pony and she was even prettier than my sisters. "Really. I'm fine." I sighed and started to walk to homeroom. I did feel kind of bad, leaving her behind. But I didn't have time to make friends now.


My first couple of classes were harder than I thought. I guess starting a new school during the last few months wasn't the smartest idea. Homeroom was the worst, as soon as I walked inside, all eyes were on me.

"Oh! You must be the new student!" A short lady with bright red hair and pale skin rushed over to me pulling me to the front of her desk. People turned and started whispering and giggling, some even pointed. Part of me wanted to ask them if they know what manners meant. "Children. Please, turn your attention to your new classmate." They already have. "Would you like to introduce yourself? Maybe say where you're from?" I looked at the teacher and then directed my eyes to a huge poster on the back wall, not daring to make eye contact.


"That's Lucy." A familiar voice drew my attention to the corner of the room. Erin sat back in his chair with his legs stretched out, sneakers on his desk. People turned to face him, some busted out laughing like maniacs. No wonder the principle was so fond of my siblings, his current students didn't seem so bright.

"I'm from New York." I blurted. "Than my grandpa died and left us his house, that's why I'm here."

"I'm sorry to hear that Lucy, our only empty seat is right next to Mr. Greenwood. But it seems as if you two are friends so that shouldn't be a problem." She made her way back to her desk and I slowly walked to mine, cautious, like it was lion about to pounce. Erin, who was practically eating his pen cap, smirked as I sat to the side of him.

"You know, I don't bite." He said. Why don't I believe you? I pulled out my novel and turned back to the page I was on. "New York, huh?" Why won't anyone let me read. I shut my book and faced him and his creepy smile.

"Ever heard of peace and quiet?" He dropped the pen next to his feet and crossed his arms.

"God. Your emo is showing again." Chills ran up and down my spine, I faced the front. Was he listening yesterday?


Now it was time for lunch and I couldn't wait for this day to be over. I looked around the packed room and saw a bunch of familiar faces. Kathy already found her cheerleader friends, Dean was with the hot-heads, I mean football players and Carrie found her 'mean girls.' I, on the other hand, wanted to eat my lunch in the bathroom. Paper bag in hand, I turned on my heel and started to walk out of the lunch room.

"Hey! Lucy, right?" I spun around and the blond girl from before was waving at me to come sit next to her. Lord why me. I walked over to her and her other friends.

One girl had short mahogany brown hair and hazel eyes, and right next to her was, Erin.

"Uh, thanks." I sat next to the blond and kept my eyes on my lunch. Then she nudged my shoulder.

"I'm Ellen by the way." She gestured towards the other two. "This is Claire, and you know Erin." I lifted my hand up.


"Do you miss New York?" He asked forming that smirk, again. That same fear from yesterday started to fill me again. I felt sick and scared. I had to get out of here, out of this school, out of this town.

"I-I" I shot up and ran for the door, tears streaming down my face. I pushed open the double doors to the staircase and blindly ran down the first set. I stopped at the end and dropped to my knees, sobbing and terrified of everything and everyone around me.

"Lucy?" I got up and turned. That same blond girl behind me. The concerned look from before was nowhere to be seen. She had a smirk just like Erin's. She started to walk towards me, her arms out stretched. "It's okay, I don't bite." I started to cry harder and stepped back. She started to run towards me, her face changing and twisting, her clothes forming into something more masculine. I wiped my eyes and Erin stood in front of me, only a foot away. His arms out towards me, the infamous smirk too.

"Leave me alone!" I heard myself scream. I stepped back further and further, forgetting the next stair case behind me. I felt only space behind me as I started to fall. Holding my breath as the stairs hit my back and my sides as I tumbled down the staircase. Pain filing my entire body. I felt my bones breaking as I reached the bottom, Erin watching from the top, smirk and all.

"Oh! You must be the new student!"

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