Chapter 14

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"No." I turned to the locked bathroom door away from Ellen. No matter what I did I highly doubted this would end with a 'witch council' and a 'magical world full of happiness and rainbows.'

"Where do you think, you're going?" Ellen grabbed my shoulder, pulling me back with all her strength. I struggled towards the door and tried to get out of her grip.

"Let go of me!" I yelled leaning forward as I dug my nails into her hand. Letting go of me, I had nothing to keep me standing. I fell forward into the heater next to the bathroom door, and the room went black.


"Stupid." I slowly opened my eyes. "You and your ignorance will cause us our lives." My vision was still blurry as I looked around.
"I did nothing wrong. You're being dramatic!" Ellen was the first thing that came into focus. Her and Erin were arguing in a weird unrecognizable room. And now that I realized it, they looked like giants. Towering over me as I sat here cowardly. As I sat here cowardly, surrounded by glass. I looked up to see a cork stopper. It seemed as if it were at least 10 feet away. I slowly stood up and looked at Erin and Ellen still screaming at one another. It was hard to hear but I could still make out what they were saying.

"You brought her into my house!" He ran his fingers through his hair and turned to face me. Our eyes met and his face filled with furry. "You're getting rid of her. Or you're out of here." He stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him. I started to feel the effects of that action and the glass around me started to shake. It was almost like slow motion as the jar I was contained in started to tip forward. I then started to fall forward, pushing the jar off the surface. Faster and faster the floor came closer and I could already hear the glass breaking, the bright light coming into view. Thank god it didn't, Ellen caught me before I came crashing to my doom.

My face was pressed against the glass and my heart was pounding a mile a minute. I almost died, again.

But if I did. I would've been free. Luck just isn't on my side today.

Ellen placed me back onto the surface and left the room after Erin. I looked around scared and confused. I tried to figure out how to escape without doing something completely stupid. The walls were covered with shelves, and the shelves filled with jars, ancient books, and unrecognizable substances surrounded by unknown liquids.

Where am I.

Before I even finished that thought, Ellen came back. Tears still rolling down her cheeks and the bridge of her nose bright red. She walked over to the shelves I was sitting upon with a depressing look on her face. She reached over for the jar I was trapped in and it was then I heard her mumbling. She kept repeating to herself that it was going to be okay. That she was going to be okay.


Ellen brought me down to a dark, stone staircase that looked as if it came out of a scene from a medieval movie. We reached the bottom of the stairs that looked out into a long, narrow hallway. The walls lined with torches and the bricks chipped as if on purpose. Spider webs in every space possible with the scariest looking insects I have ever laid eyes on. It then took me a minute to really realize where we were. A dungeon. An actual dungeon like straight out of the movies. I was preparing myself for the worst. Ready to see skeletons attached to shackles or dying, withered old men with long beards and torn clothing begging for food. Why are we down here? Where is she taking me? Is this really how I'm going to die.

We reached a cell with the thickest iron bars I've ever seen. It was dark, not a torch on any of its walls or even the slightest crack to bring in sun shine.

Ellen reached up and opened a small door towards the top of the door. She then brought me up to it's opening and it was then I knew it was truly my end of freedom. And the way she was holding me, I would live the rest of my life torn from broken glass. She put her hand through and dropped me down without the slightest hesitation.

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