Chapter 12

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"And if I said no?" Knowing now that with all that magic she could probably blow my head off with the snap of a finger, I was taking this with caution.

"Then I report you to the council and they'll deal with you themselves. So, I recommend you not do that." She had confidence in her tone, but it was obvious she had no idea what she was talking about.

"A council? What do they do? How many are there? Where are they? If they're so powerful then why haven't I heard of them? Are there movies? A book-"

"There's an ancient book that was duplicated to benefit witches who are training and witches in training. It sounds cheesy but it's like a guide book of spells and background on the world of the powerful. Erin's grandmother has one and once we learn to duplicate it ourselves then we could have our own copy." Ellen stated, standing tall.

"I want to see it."


We ditched school and got a ride over to Erin's house. My parents leave for work right after we leave on the bus so there's no way they'll see me. We arrived at the house and my mind went straight to the last time I was here. It really all made sense now, the reason the basement door closed behind me, the secret room on the side with no door. It's all magic, and I bet that room has something to do with what I'm looking for. Ellen opened the basement door with no problem, unlike me, and faced the wall that I kicked before. The hole I did make was also missing, then I noticed and all the bottles I knocked down were perfectly fine.

"Here." She said, smiling as she turned to face me. "It's the first spell I learned. In case of emergencies."

"This is where the book is held?"
"Goodness no, that book is in here." She patted the bag slung over her shoulder, which I haven't seen earlier. "This leads to the place you've been longing for your entire life."


"Where every famous and infamous witch has ever lived." She faced the wall once more. "The human kind would never stand a chance in a place like this. You need magic in your blood to stand the energy. Lucky for you, a witch's test subject has enough juice in them to withstand a life time here."

"Yep, lucky me." I must've looked unconvinced because once she turned to look at me, she shot right back around and quickly started chanting something in Latin.

Before I knew it, a large wooden door with strange carvings on it appeared before my eyes. Ellen grabbed my hand and stepped towards this magical entrance to a magical world that I'm almost positive is a cross between Narnia and the Wizarding World from Harry Potter. I closed my eyes as tight as I could as she pulled me forward through the enchanted door.

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