Chapter 5

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I re-lived my day at school so much more different than I usually would have. I was so much more cautious. I didn't speak to Erin or Ellen. Or anyone for that matter. When Ellen called me over at lunch, I completely ignored her and went straight to the bathroom to eat. No way did I imagine the whole thing, that would mean I predicted the future.

After the last bell rang I met up with everyone at the bus stop, it was just another long ride home. Part of me thought we were going to get into an accident and since I couldn't really do anything to change it, I would just be in the same loop until the end of time. That boy from before was also nowhere to be seen, it was almost as if he never existed.

When we did get home, though, my parents were still at work. So, I just locked myself into my closet sized room and hid in a dark corner so I couldn't get hurt anymore. It's only been two days in this town, and I've literally died 3 times. Yet I sit here, unharmed. I must be going insane. There is no other explanation. I'm telling you, if this happens one more time, I'm checking myself into a mental institution. If that's even possible. I heard the door open and keys hitting the new glass coffee table.

I slid up the wall and opened my door.

"Mom?" My mom came into view with the mail in her left hand.

"How was school." She asked, flipping through the envelopes looking as if she didn't want to hear an answer.

"Fine." Horrible. My mom walked into the kitchen past my dad who was sitting on the couch.

"Oh. Lucy, there's someone here for you." My dad said when he looked up from his newspaper. Confused, I walked deeper into the living room. Ellen was sitting on the love seat across the room.

"What are you doing here?" She stood up and pulled out something from her backpack.

"You dropped this." She held out my headband. I touched the top of my head where I swear it was a moment before. And then I realized, my headband came off when I fell. That moment flashed once again before my eyes. I tumbled down the stairs, further and further. Feeling more pain then I thought was even possible.

"How did you-"

"You should be nicer to him next time." She said throwing the headband.

"What is wrong with you?"

She stepped forwards and shoved me, hard. I fell back, screaming my head off. I fell straight through the new coffee table. I felt every piece of glass that sliced through my skin. It was hard for me to breathe as I was trying to ask what was going on. Why I wasn't resetting. Was I dying this time?

Time seemed to stay still. My father was still reading the paper and my mother was nowhere to be seen as if she never heard the loud crash or my horrid screaming.

"S-stop this!" I tried to scream, but it only came out a mangled whisper.

Everything went black.

"How was school?" My mom asked standing in front of me once more. She was holding the mail again.

"Great actually." I responded giving her a hug then walking to the middle of the living room. Ellen wasn't here. My dad was reading his paper and everything else was the same. Coffee table intact and everything. "Can we go somewhere today? All together?" I asked my parents. My dad looked up from his reading.

"I guess we could head over to the Ikea not too far from here. We still need some unused furniture."

"No more furniture!" My mother shot a look at me.

"Your father is right; you guys need new bed frames and mattresses. If you don't like it, you can stay home." I opened mouth but I knew I shouldn't be surprised. My mother always does this. The minute I want to be involved something must go wrong.

"I'm sorry. I'll go. Call me when you're ready." I went into my room and grabbed my phone from on top of my end table. My mom got an electrician and a plumber in here as soon as she realized that this was unsafe. So, my phone is at a good percent. I sat back in my corner with my novel that I grabbed from my dusty broken shelf. I tried to read but my mind was just too distracted. This usually never happened, I could always concentrate on my reading. I closed my eyes tight trying to think of some sort of reasonable explanation for all of this. It just doesn't make any sense! Why me? Why now? The bright light came back and then the loud crash of glass and the sound of my bones cracking. My eyes shot open and I threw my book across the room. Telling someone would just make me lot insane. But this was driving me insane.

"Lucy! What are you doing now?" I heard my mom yell from the other room. I was on the second floor, but there was a tree waiting just outside my window. I had to get out of here. Leaving my cell phone behind, I opened the window and started to climb out I reached for the branch and jumped onto the huge oak tree. This reminded me of my first conversation I had with Erin. Stop thinking about him. I started to shimmy down the body of the plant and got to the bottom, both feet flat on the ground.

Huh, shocking. The sun was going down as I started to walk down the small neighborhood. I was just getting some fresh air, I can't get in trouble if I'm not doing anything wrong.

I was back at the house where everything started, only about 24 hours ago. This time, I walked past it and started to go deeper in the woods. The trees were tall and gorgeous. They could hide anyone, maybe they are. I started to think about the possibilities I could be walking straight into. What if there's a criminal camping out here? Maybe Erin's somewhere, just watching and waiting to kill me, like Ellen did.

Leaves shifted behind me and I spun around, my heart speeding to a hundred miles a minute. Nothing was there. A twig snapped from behind a tree, I wanted to just curl up into a ball and cry with no end. More leaves crunched somewhere and I looked every which way. A sign caught my eye.


My heart stopped, I held my breath, and a large shadow loomed over me.

I turned slowly and cautiously, more cautious than ever before.

A huge black bear was behind me. It moved to its hind legs and let out a loud growl. But I screamed to the top of my lungs, louder than any sound a bear could ever make.

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