Chapter 10

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It was an early Monday morning and I woke up feeling refreshed and alive. I stretched out of bed and started to get ready for school. With my new pink sweater and white knee length tights, I smiled and spun around on the toes of my white converse. I started to go down the stairs for breakfast while tying my light caramel hair into a high pony. It was obvious I was in the mood for cheerleading tryouts later this afternoon. I was practically jumping for joy!

"Good morning gorgeous!" My mom greeted me in the dining room full of great smelling foods. My darling siblings were around the table looking as poise as ever.

I felt a strange feeling in my chest as I sat next to Katherine.

"Kath...rine. Are you excited for later?" I asked.

"Oh totally! I can't wait to meet all the girls! They must truly be amazing." She said with a huge smile, continuing to pick at her food.

"Ohmigod, Lucy that's right I have to tell you about what Janice told me about Mia. You are not going to believe this." Carrie leaned closer as the gossip spilled from her lips. I sat there smiling still trying to shrug of this feeling in the pit of my stomach.


We boarded the beautiful bright bus filled with its lovely students. I smiled bright as I walked down the aisle and found a clean empty window seat. It was my first day. And I was going to make the most of it. I turned to a lovely passenger behind me.

"Hi! I'm Lucy. Wh-" They were already deep in conversation. "It's okay." I assured them and turned back around. Along with shrugging shoulders, I opened my bright pink and purple bag and took out my Big Apple Magazine I still had from when I lived in New York City. I turned to the review on the most recent musical they had in town, I read and re-read the biographies about the cast members and their hard working, fast paced lives. I was deep in thought, reading about the latest celebrity gossip and such when someone plopped down next to me and made a drop my book. I squealed and gave a dirty look at the blond boy sitting next to me.

"Are you going to pick that up? 'Cause I certainly am not."

"You have two hands don't you, princess." He got up and moved to another empty seat. I sadly picked up my magazine and dropped it next to me and looked out the window. This was going to be a long day.

Arriving at the school and chatting up the principal was a piece of cake. I boosted about my perfect grades and dozens of club participations. It was the walk up the stairs and being on time for class that was the hard part. It was several feet up from my locker and the classes were the hardest to navigate. But, after a solid 20 minutes I found my Homeroom and put on a bright face as I stepped inside.

"Oh! You must be the new student!" A painful sting grew in my chest and my smile threatened to fade. The short but very pretty teach brought me to the front of the class. I waved with excitement to the class, they sat on desks and chairs and stared blankly. Like monkeys.

"Hi...I'm Lucy." I made a small smiled and glanced at the teacher for a little assistance.

"Uh- there's a seat. In the back, if you'd like dear." She made her way back to her desk. I breathed in and went towards back, sitting next to this pretty boy with dark hair and light eyes.

"Hey, so I guess we'll be sitting next to each other for the year...." I said, trying to start a conversation.

"Yea sure." He shifted and started to play with the pen he was chewing on. I sighed and felt that weird feeling ping me once more. Was I sick? I better not be coming down with something.

I swear the rest of the day went by as quick and easy as I thought it would. People loved me, they showered me with kindness and respect. Oh, who am I kidding. I hadn't gotten a decent conversation with anyone all day. I hadn't had trouble like this in my last school- I mean I don't think. My memory is being weird today. I guess I just haven't felt like myself lately.


By lunch time, I found a table next to some other girls that seemed to accept me. Although I started to feel comfortable with my new friends, every time that boy from homeroom walked by...I felt...strange. As though I wanted to bolt out of the room. It's probably just nothing, my life is fine. Completely normal. I should just stop worrying.

I shot up and opened my eyes drenched in sweat. Darkness filled my view and I was trying to catch my breath. It's just a dream. Thank god It was a dream.

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