Chapter 6

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"How was school?"

"Fine-just amazing." I rushed to my room and shut the door behind me, locking it too. My book was back on the shelf and my phone on the end table. I unhooked my bag from its place on the wall and I grabbed a notebook and pen. Plopping on my mattress, I flipped to a blank page and wrote:

Hit by a car

Crushed by a cupboard

Fell down the stairs

Pushed onto a glass coffee table

Mauled by a bear

I read and re-read those lines until I got a headache. Frustrated, I started to pace the room. Maybe blond boy has something to do with this. I know Ellen does, and when she said, him, I think I know who she meant. I went towards the window in a blind rage. I didn't see the leg of my bed frame until I tripped over it. I fell so fast and hit my head on the corner of my end table with its sharp edges.

"How was school?"

I sighed angrily and ran back into my room, slamming the door behind me. I didn't feel up to re-writing my list so I just went straight to the window. I opened it wide and yelled louder and angrier than intended.

"Show yourself you coward! I know what you're doing and it's not funny! This isn't a game! My life isn't a game!" I started to feel myself falling forward and out the window. I shot down faster and faster, the branched of the huge oak tree getting larger and larger.

I think I've heard the words, 'how was school', over a hundred times. This time, I decided to just go to sleep maybe calm myself down a little and try to deal with this in the morning. I took a shower like an idiot, I slipped and got reset again. And then I changed clothes and tucked myself under the covers. Took me a little bit, to fall asleep that is. I was just picturing Ellen's face when she pushed me. And Erin's face when I fell. I never knew people could be this-this evil. I felt my eyes getting heavy so I closed them and relaxed.

A scream made me shoot up from my bed. My heart was pounding and it took me a moment to realize I was the one screaming. I looked around terrified and confused at the scenery. My bed was in the middle of the woods. I moved towards the end of it and started to slide off. But then, the ground beneath my feet started to disappear. I couldn't help but scream and cry and kick my feet and wave my arms, trying to stop falling. In the blink of an eye, I was back on the bus. All the students were gone and the smell of gasoline filled my nostril. The bus had a huge tree truck smashed within its side. Smoke was everywhere but there wasn't any help in sight. I got out of the bus and looked around, at the school, back at the accident.

"I should have picked her up from school." Someone cried behind me.

"Mom?" I turned and she was in a black dress, a crumpled-up tissue in her hand. My dad sat next to her also crying, a sight I've never seen before. They all sat on a pew, in a church. My entire family was here. Grandma Emily, Aunt Claire, Uncle Peter. Even some of my cousins that I haven't seen in years.

I faced the front of the church and saw my face on a poster board. It sat next to-to an open casket. I stepped a little closer to get a better look at the person. My heart started to beat faster and faster, I already knew what was coming. I came faced with my body, lifeless within the coffin.

Someone placed a hand on my shoulder. I tuned to see Grandma Katherine smiling down at me with loving eyes. Grandpa James next to her with opened welcoming arms.

Tears formed in my eyes. I died in a car crash coming home from my first day.

"How was school?"

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