Chapter 2

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I have finally come to conclusion that yesterday's 'freak episode' was just some sort of day dream. I must have gone into some sort of shock and freaked myself out or something. I was getting ready for my first day at Rosewater, the only school in this town. So, I wanted to look as unique and unapproachable as possible. I tried to fit in at my old school, and that went so downhill it's insane. So, for the first day, I wore dark nylons and jean shorts with my red and black flannel button down and 3 inched black high heeled boots. My brown hair was pulled out of my face with a black headband and since it was Monday I didn't overdo it with what my sister calls 'the emo makeup.' I packed my backpack for school and went down the stairs for breakfast, breakfast of course meaning a water bottle and maybe a banana. The stairs creaked as I walked down them, it instantly reminded me of the lady next door. And she reminded me of Erin, I really hope I don't see him at school. I know the whole making a fool out of myself and getting hit by a car didn't happen, but still. He must think I'm a total loser, plus last thing I need is to be having a casual conversation with the grandson of a mind-reading creepy old lady. If he's even her grandson, I mean, that part was just my imagination.

I finally got down the stairs and all my siblings were sitting at the table with their perfect postures and preppy clothes. I have 6 siblings who are absolutely nothing like me and everything like our parents. At my old school, it was known how different I was. I was even nick named 'The Black Sheep.'

There's my eldest sister, Katherine, she has blond hair and green eyes. She was the prettiest girl in my old school and I have no doubt that she'll be the prettiest in this one. Dean, who's a year younger then Kathy, has blond hair and blue eyes like my mother. He was on the football team, the quarterback actually, and had more friends than what seemed humanly possible.

Next on the list was Carrie, she had short brown hair and blue eyes. She got straight As and was the captain of the girl's lacrosse team. She gets away with about everything only because she constantly uses the line, 'I want to be just like dad when I graduate from Harvard.' That is a two in one right there that if I ever attempt to use, I could wish my guitar lessons goodbye and say hello to Harvard alumnus for college tips.

I, Lucy Noble, was born after Carrie 15 years ago, and apparently, I was the fattest baby known in this entire household. I'm a Leo, I get straight Bs, I have absolutely no friends except for Gerard Way, (that's a joke) and my goal in life is to live long enough to touch Jared Padalecki's hair. After me was the twins, Jason and Johnny were born almost two years after me. They both have blond hair and green eyes, although Jason wears glasses and John prefers contacts. But of course, that doesn't hurt the family image cause father where's frames too. Lastly there is my oh so annoying little sister, Jamie. She's a short blond and blue eyed 11-year-old, gets praised by every adult that can breathe and when the tall people turn around she will start kicking and screaming and whining like a little 5-year-old. I almost forgot my favorite family member, our golden retriever Mary. We had the white picket fence too, but of course someone had to leave us his wonderful home. I sighed as I walked towards the table and plucked an apple from the basket.

"Lucy, sweets, we have pancakes and omelets." My mom said as she placed a plate of toast on the surface. I took a bite of the huge red fruit.

"Can I walk to school?" I asked with my mouth full of food, making my mom wince at my unladylike performance.

"Absolutely not, you're going on the bus with your sisters and brothers." Kathy's gaze turned to mom.

"I thought you said you were going to let me take the truck with Carrie." Mom didn't look her way as she stepped back into the kitchen to come back with more cakes.

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