Chapter 9

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I've decided to do the right thing. So, I ditched school the following day with my newly re-dyed light brown hair. Starring beyond the front yard's fake bushes and sat, still, until I saw Erin or his creepy grandmother leave the house.

Then, unexpectedly, I saw him and the old lady. Arm in arm they made their way out of the house and into a tiny broken-down car.

I watched them as they drove away and came out of sight. Sneaking out the pine scented plant, I ran across the grass and hopped over their fence, getting my sneaker stuck to it and falling face first into their garden. Cars drove by so I ducked behind their bushes looking for any open windows or obvious open doors. I looked around to the back of the house and saw a cement staircase going down a rectangular hole in the ground. It got pretty dark in there so I took out my phone's flashlight. I couldn't see the end of it. Holding my breath, I stepped down while latching tight to the railing. A door appeared, glowing with light provided by my phone. There was a huge padlock on the front, but it seemed to be rusted.

I pulled at it getting nowhere. I even grabbed a large rock and tried to break it off. Nothing was working. Frustrated I started to tug on it, just pulling on it and leaning back. I wasn't paying any attention what so ever to what I was doing. So, I pulled and pulled until my hands hurt. But then, I tripped over my own feet and flung backwards, hitting my back on the hard stairs.

I opened my eyes in probably the most pain I have ever felt and I died more painful deaths than Dean did on Supernatural. And that was saying something. I got up with the support of my scrapped, bruised elbows.

A shiny object caught my eye from on top of the door frame. Shiny object. Door frame. I shot up faster than intended and reached upward to grab it. I hope it's a key. I opened my hand to see I was exactly right. I brought the key to stubborn lock and twisted it open. I threw it on the ground hoping it would break and pulled the door open.

Without a doubt in my mind on what I was going to find, I stepped into the dark, cold basement and pulled my flashlight back out.

The place didn't seem as I thought it was. But, to my luck, there was a staircase leading to the first floor. First, though, I started to look around, there must be something of use around.

To get into why I was in here, I wanted to see if there's any sort of hex bag or something that Erin or his old lady could be using against me. Makes sense when you're in my kind of situation and want nothing more than to get out. I ripped open the draws and pushed stuff off counters.

I sighed angrily and went behind the wood staircase a little further. A small table with a bright purple cloth made me turn. It had a few small tin boxes around a huge noticeable crystal ball tied all together with a layer of spider webs.

"She is a witch!" I said louder than I expected. But that didn't stop me from kicking a chair and pulling off already peeling paint. I knocked over a shelf and watched all the glass bottles as, one by one, they smashed onto the ground. Strange and unrecognizable liquids spilled out of them and that just ticked me off even more. What was she doing down here? I had half a mind to call the police. If only I had something believable to tell them. No one would believe me. I had to live with this. I kicked a wall. I can't die because of this. I kicked it again. I'll just live forever and watch all my siblings die, another one, I'll see everyone I've ever known die. Another kick. Maybe I'll even see my great grandkids die. Again, and again, and again. I kept kicking that same white wall until I felt weak from crying. I stopped when I felt my foot go through it.

After wiping my eyes with my sleeve, I bent down to see the damage I have created.

I saw only darkness so I used my only light source once again. Another room was next to this one. I got up and tried to look for the door, but there wasn't one. I attempted to look deeper inside, but all I saw was a bowl and some loose plants.

I got off the floor and turned leave, I have enough information. I inched towards the door and reached to grab the knob. But the door moved a little away from my hand. Again, I reached but further it went back. Getting kind of nervous, I ran forward to get out of the room and slipped out before it slammed behind me. By itself.

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