Chapter 7

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I'm so glad I got through the horrors of yesterday's events. I was getting off the bus from school and decided I should do something so maybe Erin would lose interest. Most of my siblings were at some sort of after school gathering so it was just Johnny, Jamie, and I. My parents weren't home yet so they couldn't stop me from doing something stupid. I went up to the bathroom Katherine and Carrie claimed as their own, and looked in the cabinet under the sink. I haven't died yet today, and I don't plan to any time soon. I grabbed the bottle of bleach and the hair dying utensils from an open makeup bag. After I locked the door, I prayed nothing will happen and opened the DIY video I found on YouTube.

Lastly, I need to wash out my hair, blow dry it, and then I'll be finished.

I did as the video instructed while feeling like a complete idiot. I should really be focusing on how to get rid of my insignificant problem and not what a boy thinks of me. But getting rid of him, is my problem. I walked in front of the mirror terrified of the person I'm about to come face to face with. I finally looked and I almost threw myself out the window...again. I look like my sister. That's if she had her mouth open like an idiot. I mean, everything was almost identical. Her hair isn't naturally blond either, so it looked almost the same.

I've never really stood in front of a mirror like this and judged myself on my facial features. I did already look kinda like Kathy, and this was just the icing on the cake.

Before I knew it, the school bus pulled up at the stop and everyone came pouring out. I rushed out of the bathroom, leaving it completely spotless like no one had ever been inside. I dove into my room just in time for them to unlock and open the front door. I bolted my door shut and pulled out the wig I've had since forever. It was identical to my light brown hair.

Don't ask why I have it though, it's a long story.

Wig looking nice and all, I walked out of my room, down the stairs and faced my loved ones.

"Hey, how was...your-uh things?" I asked, forcing a smile.

"Fine." Carrie said, brushing past me and upstairs to her room.

"Cheerleading tryouts were a breeze." Kathy walked towards me. Her hands were stuffed into her high-waisted white jeans. "I even heard college scouts were going to be at the next game. I'm so hyped!" She smiled, flashing her pearly whites. "How was your day?" She asked.

"Oh, eventful. Hey! Do you think you could maybe, possibly, drop me off at the salon? I wanna get something new done."

"Oh! Yea, for sure! Like what?"

"It's a surprise silly!"

Katherine grabbed the keys from the table and gestured for me to follow her to the car.

On the way to the salon, I think I had the longest conversation with my sister. Like, ever. It's sad and messed up. But true.

"Schools good?" She asked glancing at me and then back at the road.

"Great, really. I've met some very...interesting people." I said, forming my lips into a straight line.

"That's nice! At least your making some friends! That's...different." Oh, you have no idea.


We pulled up in front of the salon and I jumped out as fast as I could.

"Thanks a lot! You're awesome!" I waved to her and started to close the car door.

"You don't want me to come with you?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh no! I'm good thank you! Pick me up in like an hour."

"Oh. Okay!" She smiled as I closed the door and she drove away as I walked towards it. I was in a scary neighborhood so I held tightly to the bag strapped around my shoulder. Someone's microwave was on their windowsill and trash littered the sidewalks. I walked inside the hair salon and smiled at the people inside as I pulled off my wig.

"Do you need any help? I'll work for free."


Almost an hour later Kathy pulled back up in the front, the exact place she was last. I waved to her as I opened the door and stepped outside. The breeze hit my bear arms and I was kind of excited to see what she had to say. Once Katherine saw me she smiled but then her face dropped and said something, looking pale. I figured she didn't like my hair so I laughed and put a thumb up. But then, she started to scream and I saw what she was looking at. I looked up and saw the microwave falling towards me.


"Cheerleading tryouts were a breeze." Kathy said with the same huge smile from before.

"Ha-ha-awesome! Hear anything new?"

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