Chapter 8

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It's very hard being me. Trying to keep up with everyone while looking amazing in the process? It almost seems impossible. But of course, I, Carrie Noble, will always stay strong and never give up. And that's why this year, I shall run for Sophomore class president and I plan to win. Early that Wednesday morning and sat with my siblings at our beautiful new dining table.

"Mom, this type of wood you got is to die for." I looked over to her and noticed Lucy freezing up, her eyes unblinking and her food untouched. What a drama queen.

"Why thank you Caroline. It definitely matches the old darker furniture. Especially that cupboard." Lucy shot up from the table practically knocking over her plate.

"I should be going. That friend from school I told you about should be here any minute. Bye love you." She grabbed her beat up backpack that Grandma gave her like a million years ago and rushed out of the house. I watched as she rushed across the yard and I swear she jumped in one of the newly planted bushes.

"So, Katherine. Did I mention there's going to be a college fair this weekend?" She looked up and practically started chocking on her bacon.

"Really? Who told you that?" I smiled at her eagerness to go and pick up yet another Yale brochure. I laughed and smiled brightly at my older sister.

"You know they usually have the same things in those stupid pamphlets." She shrugged almost embarrassed.

"I like to be updated." I moved my eyes away from that nervous wreak and along to my other very talented and successful siblings. They were no competition. I felt like the queen of the world, I will one day follow in my Uncle Peter's footsteps and become a layer then take over her firm and treat him as my underdog. I will be the wealthiest family member these people have ever seen and I will move so far away it will almost come off as cruel. I took a bite out of my French toast and smiled at my pretty mother. But first, Sophomore class president.


The bus arrived shortly after breakfast and I didn't dare look at the lawn plants, afraid to something I shouldn't. Mom and Father went into separate cars, as usual, and drove in the same direction. I watched as their cars disappeared and then put on my brightest and fakest smile. Stepping onto the bus the horrid stench of football players and small children hit me hard. But I kept on that smile. I walked down the aisle in a short white skirt and baby blue sweater. I had on white flats and my short light hair was tied into a ponytail that showed my pearl earrings perfectly. I caught my reflection in one of the windows and noticed that my light pink lip gloss was still intact and my blue clashed with my top perfectly.

"Carrie. Sit here." Out of the corner of my eye I saw the captain of the wrestling team pat his huge sweaty hand on the seat next to his. I almost cringed at the thought of sitting next to the smelliest guy on the planet. But then I thought, If I was seen with the captain of the wrestlers, I would get that entire team's votes for sure. I spun around and smiled at him. Derek, I think his name was.

"Sure. Why not?" I walked over to those seats and sat down, placing my backpack between us as a respectable boarder. He smiled back at me, revealing a huge gap in between his bottom teeth and the foulest breath I have ever smelled in my entire life. I must be the unluckiest person on the planet at this moment.

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