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Jack groaned as he came to, his thoughts hazy and his vision blurry. His senses were fried, and his skin felt uncomfortably dry and yet wet. He could hear a looping gentle roaring noise, but the sound was being pounded mercilessly through his head like a gong, torturing the poor Irish man with a killer headache.

As Jack grew more conscious, he first grew aware of two colors; bright yellow, and then blue. There was blue everywhere... What had happened?

Jack groaned and weakly lifted his head. Half of his face was wet with salty water, but his lips were dry and cracked, and his throat felt arid and sticky. He sucked in a raspy breath as he slowly sat up, muscles shaking in effort as he struggled into an upright position.

"Wh-wha...?" Jack trailed off with a moan of pain, rubbing his throat. God he was so thirsty...! He couldn't think straight. His eyes lifted, and he blinked a few times before finally realizing the foamy waves of an ocean surrounded him.

Immediately every muscle in Jack's body seized up, and he yelped, clinging fearfully onto what he realized beneath him was a life raft. Holy shit why the fuck am I on a raft in the middle of a fucking ocean!? Jack's breath briefly went short before he forced his thoughts to calm down, sucking in a few deep breaths. Ok, calm down... just breathe... why can't I remember anything though? What the hell happened? He tried to scan the horizon for any signs of ships or smoke, but there weren't any signs of life to even be hinted. There was nothing but the big... scary... ocean.

Maybe there's an island nearby? Jack stretched his neck out a bit as he tried to look, but his arms quaked too much to remain balanced. Sighing, he laid back down, letting his green hair soak once more in the few ounces of water that was in the raft. I just hope I don't die out here... wherever the fuck I am.

For what felt like forever, Jack drifted across the surface of the sea, with no food, no water, and no provisions, nothing but the bright yellow raft to barely keep him afloat. Each hour that inched by made him thirstier and more tired. But then finally, as he cast a feeble glance at the horizon, he spotted green. Land at last! He gave it his all to start paddling, and with the help of the currents and his renewed energy he managed to finally roll off of the raft and onto the crystal sand.

"Ooohhhh yyyyyyyeess!" Jack hissed out gladly. But now he had to find food and water. With a groan he slowly rolled over and gradually managed to pick himself up, only to fall back over because of his sea legs. It took quite a few tries, and a nearby tree, before Jack finally found himself plodding into the forest.

Okay, first things first. I need water... Jack vainly licked his lips with his sandpaper-dry tongue as he hobbled deeper into the forest, unaware of where he was or what ecosystem existed here. Either way, it was incredibly hot. Droplets of perspiration had beaded on the young man's brow and forehead, as he tiredly huffed into the stuffy air. Out at sea, there had been at least some form of water to keep him cooled off, but here in this jungle there was no water so far, and the sun was bearing its hot presence down upon him.

He kept walking before finding a little pond with some small black and white striped fishies, and Jack desperately fell to his hands and knees and scooped up a handful of water, drinking the cool liquid. A sense of primitive urge overcame him, and he ducked his head down into the small body of fresh water and cooled off his face as he greedily drank. Once he was satisfied, he finally pulled back and laid down in the warm grass, panting as he finally let himself rest.

After having closed his eyes for a moment, he opened them and turned his head, brushing a finger up along one of the long strands of grass that was surprisingly as long as his leg.

... where am I?

Lost (G/T P!Septiplier)Where stories live. Discover now