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Jack's eyes were wide as he quickly turned tail and sprinted away, diving behind a boulder and shivering from head to toe.

Oh Jesus Christ! What the fuck was that!? Jack gulped in a few breaths before peeking out, seeing that the giant hadn't moved. Cautious, he slowly stood up a little and crept back over, snatching his lantern before standing up straight and holding up his source of light.

Oddly enough, the giant looked very human. Its eyes were closed as it slept, and it had some stubble on its jawline and a little over the mouth. It had black fluffy hair and golden tan skin. As Jack scanned the monstrous creature anxiously, he decided that it looked very human, just... a lot bigger.

Jack glanced at the giant's slightly open mouth and grimaced before carrying on looking at the rest of him, seeing that the giant was simply massive. For whatever reason, he seemed in excellent shape, with well toned muscles, and he had a black shirt on with casual jeans.

Jack stood there for a moment, taking in what he had just stumbled across. First, he had found a likely uncharted island that had fucking dinosaurs on it, and now he had found a real, legitimate giant!?

"What the fuck...!" Jack whispered to himself, going back up to the giant's peaceful face. It was a huge relief to Jack that the gargantuan beast was unconscious, but it soon occurred to Jack that he needed to get out of here before it woke up. As soon as he had thought that, however, his eyes landed on what was around the giant's neck. Curious, the small Irish man cautiously ventured closer, seeing to his surprise that it was a huge metal chain with a tag carved into it. He set the lantern down and held the tag in his hands, reading it out loud.

"Mark #54..." He frowned. "Is this suppose to be some sort of experiment nametag or--" Jack jumped when he had pulled the tag out accidentally, and the chain fell down loosely around the giant's neck, now unlocked.

... oops. Jack quietly set the metal tag down and stood there for a moment, thinking. He was fascinated by how he could feel the giant's body heat, and he thought for a moment that if he went even closer, then he could probably hear its heartbeat. And then he was still awed by the sheer size of the gargantuan giant, but there was the question of "Why?" What was a giant doing here chained up underground on an island? Who had been here before him? Why would someone need a giant, let alone capture one?

Jack was pulled out of his thoughts when a rumbly groan suddenly echoed through the cave, and Jack's eyes widened as one of the giant's large muscular arms shifted. It was waking up! He quickly whirled around and scampered back into hiding, abandoning the lantern again so he could still see as he watched from behind the rock in awe.

The giant's brow slightly bunched together before he emitted a sleepy growl, one that seemed to shake Jack's breastbone in both fear and amazement. The giant shifted his entirely body, his legs going back a little bit before he opened his mouth in a large yawn. Jack couldn't help but quiver in adrenaline as he looked on, and continued to watch as the giant sleepily opened his eyes.

The massive beast's eyes were unfocused for a moment, a deep earth brown illuminated with an orange glow of the lantern. It slowly lifted its head up, then stopped as the chains rattled and clinked quietly. Jack sucked a breath in, realizing that he had made a mistake. The giant looked down at his former collar and touched his clavicle, then slowly sat up and brushed the chain off. It thundered onto the floor before going quiet, and the giant looked down at the lantern. Then his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he gave a low growl that came deeply from within his chest.

Ohhh ssshhhhiiiit... Jack realized nervously that he looked very angry for whatever reason, and he ducked back into hiding to take a moment. He heard the giant growl again as he shifted from beyond Jack's hiding spot, and then he settled down, sniffing the air. For a moment, Jack could soon hear nothing but the giant's soft deep breathing, but then the giant suddenly roared and smashed a nearby rock, making Jack jolt and peek back out of hiding again.

The giant had gone into a sort of frenzy, smashing whatever his fists and shoes could hit. Jack's eyes widened he saw a fist headed in his direction, and he threw himself to the side just before his rock was smashed to bits. He fell into a small coughing fit as he struggled to his feet with a groan, and he turned to see that the giant had stopped and was looking in his direction.

The giant's lips pulled back in a low snarl, clearly angry about something. He leaned forward and started reaching out for Jack with a large hand, and Jack's eyes widened as he ran and dodged the outstretched hand, but he found himself running straight into the giant's other waiting hand. He yelled out as the hand grabbed him by the legs, and he found himself upside down and flying up into the air.

Jack was breathing heavily when he finally came face to face with the aggressive giant, and he was triggered by how high up he was, panicking. The giant looked him up and down, then held him close and sniffed him. Jack shuddered and shifted in its grip while waving his arms and pushing against the giant's massive fingers, attempting to get free. But he was caught.

The giant suddenly huffed and pulled away, peering at the little Irish man that he had caught. Jack squirmed again, staring anxiously back at the large humanoid face. A sort of emotion suddenly went through the giant as he frowned, and Jack suddenly found himself approaching the ground before gently being set back down.

Shuddering, Jack looked up at the giant, who was staring at him with a look of curiosity. Perhaps he was wondering how Jack had gotten in here.

Mother of Christ... oh, shit! Jack sat up and got up on his feet, looking around. I gotta get the fuck out of here! He tiptoed forward and grabbed his lantern, and he kept an eye on the giant as he quickly backed away before starting to look for a way out.

The giant sat there and watched the human run back and forth, darting around like a little rodent, and he tilted his head slightly before lifting his hand up and brushing a strand of his long silky hair out of his face. He was very confused by the human, and he didn't remember much about where he was, but he did remember the humans...

However, this one seemed different... he smelled like the outside world...

Jack stopped running when he ran out of breath and got dizzy from lack of calories, and he stood there for a moment before looking back at the giant. Only the outline of his face was visible from the shadows of the darkness, and he was staring straight at Jack with those large almond shaped eyes, giving the Irish man a shiver down his spine. But Jack soon turned his attention to another problem.

"There's no way out," Jack said, setting the lamp down on a rock. He started pacing. "I fell in from the ceiling, so there's no way going back up, but there's gotta be a way out right? You had to have gotten in here somehow too..." Jack stopped and looked at the giant. "... I'll just call you Mark for now I guess, how's that?" Jack declared. The giant blinked and tilted his head again before nodding, and Jack continued pacing.

"Great, at least you can understand me too." Jack stopped again. "Wait... you can understand me!?" Jack looked at Mark, who fidgeted before nodding and lying down on his stomach, still facing Jack. Jack blinked before muttering, "Jesus Christ this is so cool but so fucking terrifying at the same time..." Ruffling his green hair, Jack continued on.

"Great... yer a fuckin' giant who can understand me, but you almost got me squashed into an Irish potato pancake, and you attacked me!" Jack shot the giant a bold glare, and Mark pressed his chin down on the ground and rested his cheek down, watching Jack with interest, wondering what the human was going to do. Again, Jack sighed and kept pacing.

"Not to mention that I'm fucking lost, I don't know where I am or... or who I am..." Jack stood still for a moment, Mark behind him as he sighed and put his hand over his nose bridge. "I wanna go home!" Jack shouted. "Wherever the fuck that is, I'm done here! I want to eat cookies and pizza and shit, and I want my memories back!" Jack rubbed his eyes in frustration as he heard Mark growl softly. The giant seemed to be trying to express sympathy, but he didn't know how to speak other than saying "grrr..."

Jack sighed and turned back to Mark, wobbling a little in dizziness. He winced and blinked a couple times, realizing that he didn't feel good.

"Can- can you talk?" Jack asked hopefully. Mark looked away uncertainly, and he shrugged. Jack sighed again, but his sigh ended up in a groan as he found himself bent over with his arms wrapped over his stomach. "Oh god..." he hissed. "Fucking-" He winced again as his stomach let out a sickening growl, and Jack fell down on one knee in pain. Mark lifted his head and growled again, but Jack gave no response as he fell over on his side, and the world went completely black.

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