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"Mahrk!" Jack stood on the giant's chest with his arms crossed. "Mmaaarrrk!" He whined. "Wake up! It's already almost nine!" The warm surface under the Irishman shifted, and a groan reached his ears as the giant stirred and opened his eyes.

"Jack?" He yawned and lifted his head. "Why are you-" Jack jumped and stomped on his breastbone, making Mark flinch in surprise.

"Come on, come on Mark!" Jack waved his arms before he turned and climbed off of his friend. "I promised Ethan we'd be playing that new game by nine o'clock, and your ass is still in bed!" Mark groaned and turned over on his side.

"I was already up all night," he complained. Jack smiled.

"And who's fault was that, ya workaholic?" He tugged on Mark's sleeve, but the giant's arm lifted, taking Jack along for the ride. He yelped as Mark sat up, and he found himself splayed over the giant's thigh.

"You were saying?" Mark giggled. He ran his hand through the red floof on his head, glad that Jack had persuaded him to dye his hair. Hw didn't know what it was, but it just made him feel closer to Jack and Ethan. Although, they had yet to persuade Tyler to ruin his curly locks.

"Ha, ha, ha!" Jack jested. He pushed Mark's incoming hand away and jumped back onto the bed. "Get dressed! You're wearing nothing but a tee shirt and your bottom sweats!"

"They're called pjants," Mark scoffed. He got up and went to go get dressed, and the depression in the bed where he sat bungeed back to normal.

"Whee!" Jack fell over on his back when the bed went back to normal, and Mark glanced over at him with a grin and chuckled.

"Nice to see you're still a man-child, leprechaun," he teased.

"Fight me you red headed bitch!" Jack snapped. Mark laughed and walked out of the closet, in the middle of buttoning his lucky flannel up.

"You're adorable." Jack sneered at his friend before he grinned and laughed. Mark smiled and picked Jack up, and he gave his Irish friend a gentle hug against his chest. Jack relaxed and pressed against the giant's shirt. His green hair contrasted with the warm red and black colors, but the Irishman was ok with that.

"Don't think this means you can call me cute and get away with it," Jack muttered with a small smile.

"What, meee!? Big old crybaby Markiplier? I wouldn't dream of it!" The red haired giant giggled again and pet Jack's head. He was still holding Jack against his chest when he carried his tiny green haired friend out of his room and walked Into the living room.

"Hey Mark," Tyler called out. He was sitting in the dining room eating breakfast.

"Hi Tyler!" After a brief conversation with Tyler, Mark continued into a study room with soft black panels covering the walls. Jack stirred in Mark's hand and sat back against his fingers.

"For a big guy, you sure take forever to walk to another room," he complained, smirking.

"Excuse me, I didn't wanna jostle you around!" Mark pretended to take offense and huffed at Jack, and Jack snickered as he was put down on the desk. "There, now you go ahead and get your computer up, I'm gonna go make some coffee; no way am I recording with an empty stomach." As Mark said this, his stomach growled.

"Fine you weakling." Jack rolled his eyes. "Make me some too!" Mark scoffed and left the room, and Jack stood there beaming. He then turned around and walked across the desk to go behind the giant computer monitor and walked up to a human sized door. He opened it and went in.

Inside the small human room was Jack's new recording place. He had soundproof walls too, a shelf full of wonderful things fans had given him, and he also had a smaller shelf full of books. He wasn't much of a reader, but he figured it covered up the asymmetric area. Jack tapped the wall with a dull thud before he went over to his computer and booted it up.

Lost (G/T P!Septiplier)Where stories live. Discover now