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Jack's eyes slowly opened to pure darkness. His mind felt extremely sluggish, his thoughts scrambled like broke eggs, and his muscles felt stiff and sore. He found that he couldn't move, so he simply laid there for a moment, weak and feeling a little loopy. Oddly enough though, he felt warm all over, and for a moment he wished he was home, buried under his covers with his memories back.

His hand twitched before slowly clenching in a fist, feeling that the surface beneath him was soft and felt like silky grass. But it didn't make his skin itch like most grass did...

Jack tried to sit up, but his muscles weren't fully under his control, and he remained limp.

"M-Maahhrk ...?" He slurred feebly. The giant soon growled softly with a slight purr, responding to the familiar human with relief in his tone. Jack groaned as he tried to move again, but he was so tired, and his stomach felt like it was collapsing on itself. "Ugh..." Jack tilted his head before realizing that he was laying down in Mark's soft black hair. The giant had placed him here in hopes of Jack waking up as comfortably as possible, but he knew that more than anything, Jack needed food or else he was going to die...

"... Mark, I..." Jack took a shallow breath, and he continued. "I-I think I'm sick... I'm starving, b-badly." Mark tilted his head a little and made a rumbly noise that rose deep from within his chest. Jack felt Mark look around a bit, and his eyes widened when he suddenly felt Mark shift and start to move.

The giant slowly rose to a crouch and held an arm up to feel for the ceiling, then started searching around. Jack was completely blind with his human eyes, not able to see in the darkness and watch what Mark was up to. But when Mark found the hole Jack had fell through and suddenly slammed his fist through rock, Jack couldn't help but yell in surprise at the sudden spew of rubble, and he held on to Mark's hair for his life. Mark slammed his fist again into the ceiling of the cave a couple more times, then started pawing at it. Weak rays of moonlight filtered through the darkness, and Jack's eyes widened as Mark made the hole bigger.

Then Mark shoved his arm up, and more of the ceiling crumbled before giving away to the determined giant, and lunar light poured into the cave. Jack squinted in the face of the bright light as the giant pushed over the tree and climbed up.

A cold breeze made Jack shiver a little as the two odd couple resurfaced, and Mark squinted as he pulled himself out of the earth and looked around at the forest.

Jack slowly pushed himself up and weakly stood, noticing that Mark was staring at the sky. He walked to the edge of his head and gently patted a long tuft of the giant's hair, his other arm wrapped around his middle.

"Y-you did it buddy," he said quietly. "You're free."

Mark growled softy and reached up to Jack, and he picked up the human to set him down on his knee. Jack's legs almost buckled under him had Mark not quickly put his hand beside the human for a support. Draping his arms gratefully over his ally's fingers, Jack lifted his eyes up to see the moon setting. It alarmed him that he had been underground for an entire day... no wonder his throat was dry.

Mark suddenly shifted and gently scooped up his partner, making Jack grunt in protest as the giant got up and rose to his full height. Jack's eyes had widened when he watched the ground suddenly shrink beneath Mark's hand, and he now shuddered and sat back away from the edge.

"Jesus Christ you're so fucking big..." he commented, in both amazement and fear. While he was glad that the giant had decided to not eat Jack or anything, he still had so many damn questions. For starters, where the hell could he get something to eat!?

Jack winced and curled up when his stomach gave off another painful gurgle, and he whimpered, pressing an arm over his middle. Mark's fingers curled slightly at his acquaintance's pain, and he looked around before his pupils dilated with interest. He took a few steps before crouching down, and as Jack slowly recovered from his wave of pain, he heard a crunching noise.

He looked up to see that Mark had gone over to a coconut tree and pulled some coconuts off of it. The giant shifted before sitting down comfortably, and he set his small handful of sustenance down beside Jack. Jack struggled into a sitting position once more and looked at Mark.

"C-coconuts?" He asked. Mark nodded, nudging one closer and inviting the human to have one. Jack leaned forward and picked it up, and he took a wary look at it before noticing that his giant buddy had pierced its thick skin and gotten the inside revealed.

Jack put the coconut to his lips and hesitantly drank its contents, grimacing a little at first from the lack of taste.

"Bleh." He wiped his mouth and looked up at Mark, who was watching with undivided alertness. "You want one?" Jack offered. The giant shook his head. "Alright then." Jack finished off the coconuts and set it down. He already felt a little better after getting those desperately needed nutrients.

Once Jack had finished drinking from enough coconuts, his stomach had finally stopped hurting  after being filled with sustenance. Jack gave a small sigh of relief and wiped his mouth on his sleeve, and he looked up at Mark.

"Thanks Mark," he said gratefully. Mark purred and discarded the coconuts for Jack, seeming pleased that he had helped out. Jack yawned and lifted his arms up behind his head as he arched his back in a stretch. He was hoping to loosen up his muscles, but he was still very tired.

When he was done with that, Jack looked up at Mark, who was looking at the moon again. Jack tilted his head, and he watched the giant. Mark was staring with a sort of wonder in his eyes, looking like he was appreciating his newfound freedom. Jack found a smile coming on, and he got up and shakily walked to the edge of the giant's hand.

"... I don't know about you bud, but I'm really tired," Jack gently interrupted. Mark looked down at Jack and rumbled in agreement. He picked Jack up and held the Irishman to his chest as he got up and started walking again. Jack left his acquaintance to his own devices, and he yawned again before resting his cheek against Mark's broad chest, and he closed his eyes and instantly fell asleep.

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