"Hello, My Name is Mark."

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When Jack woke up, it was midday. He was surprised to find that Mark had taken him into a cave, where the giant had laid down and fallen asleep with a warm hand over his little human ally. Outside, it was very humid. But it was also raining heavily.

Jack sleepily pressed the heels of his hands into the surface below him as he opened his eyes. He felt a lot better than when he had first come on this island, and he hoped that his health would remain stable until someone found him and brought him back to civilization.

He looked outside to watch the rain for a little bit. He could smell the fresh scent of the rainfall, and he was also surprised to realize that it was quite cold outside despite the usual tropical humidity. Sighing, Jack shifted a little further down under Mark's hand to cover himself in the giant's warmth and hide from the storm outside. Once fully under, Jack curled up and laid there for a little while.

It was a while before Mark finally woke up, and by then Jack had dozed off. The giant was rudely woken up when a splash of water sprinkled square onto his nose, and the giant wrinkled his nose as his eyes tiredly opened. He eyed the cave roof before another raindrop hit him on the forehead. He growled and turned his head to see that the wind had changed direction, and the rain was now pouring into the mouth of the cave.

Mark huffed and got up and carried Jack deeper into the cave so that they wouldn't get wet. He sat down and leaned against the cave wall, bringing his knees up to his chest and holding the sleepy little Irishman against his shoulder. Later on though, he felt Jack stir in his hand, so Mark gently pinched his waist and set him down on his knee. He then sat and looked at the sleeping human closely, smiling a little in happiness. They were finally free. He was finally out of that horrible dark cave, and he had made a friend!

He watched as Jack blinked open his sleepy little baby blue eyes, and his smile widened to show his teeth as he watched the human wake. Jack yawned and stretched his arms and legs out, and Mark couldn't resist reaching a hand up and gently rubbing the little human's back with one finger. To his relief, Jack didn't freeze up in fear or anything, instead his shoulders rolled as he sat up and rubbed his sleepy little eyes, giving no protest to the giant's touch.

This made Mark really happy.

"Hey buddy." Jack looked at Mark to see that the giant was smiling, and he couldn't help but smile back. "Enjoying your freedom?" Jack chuckled. Mark purred and leaned his head down, gently nuzzling Jack. Jack giggled like a kid on Christmas as he reached up and stroked the giant's soft floofy hair. He then yelped a little when Mark tilted his head back up and in the process brought Jack with him, and the Irishman hauled himself safely onto the giant's hair. Mark gave a small but deep giggling noise, and Jack found himself grinning as he scratched the top of Mark's head.

"Awww!" He awed when Mark purred. He started petting the giant to the best of his ability, making him purr harder. "You're like the pet I never have had! Aw this is so cool!" He was interrupted when thunder rumbled outside, and Jack flinched away from the cave entrance. Mark gave a soft rumble, tilting his head slightly. Lightning flashed before the thunder gave a loud clap, making Jack yelp and press himself down into the messy swamp of Mark's hair.

Mark growled at the storm outside and lifted his arm. His hand skimmed over a few messy tufts before he managed to find and gently pry Jack out of the mop of hair. Jack shivered and welcomed Mark's hand as the giant pressed Jack to his chest with his hand over him, separating him from the angry thunderstorm. He laid down on the ground and curled up, and he began to purr loudly to drown out the noise of the rain.

Jack sighed gratefully as he curled up in his friend's embrace, then gave an embarrassed chuckle. "Um... no one needs to know about this, alright?" Jack called out to Mark. Mark gave a deep-throated rumble that vibrated Jack's body, and Jack smiled a little and pressed against the giant's chest. "It's just that it sounds like something that could attack me, especially now that I know giants are apparently a thing," he reasoned. Mark growled softly in agreement. Jack closed his eyes and listened to Mark's strong heartbeat for a little bit, then opened his eyes.

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