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Jack's eyes slowly opened to a bright white ceiling. He stared up for a moment before closing his eyes again, gritting his teeth as the familiar pounding in his head returned to him. He realized there was a beeping sound, and he could hear someone talking. He opened his eyes again and slowly lifted his head up, groaning.

The voices immediately stopped, and Jack jumped in surprise when he felt a hand gently grab his shoulder.

"Hey Jack," a male voice greeted. "How ya feeling dude?" Jack turned to look at the owner of the voice. The man had blond hair and blue eyes, along with a little bit of a beard forming on his jawline. Beside him was a pretty Italian girl with brown hair and brown eyes, and they were both dressed lavishly.

"... who are you?" Jack asked. The man winced and ran his hand through his hair.

"Oh, right... the doc said you probably would have amnesia. He said you got hit in the head really hard." He looked at Jack. "You really don't remember me though? How dare you!" He joked. Jack realized that the man was Swedish as he spoke. He felt familiar, but he really didn't remember the blonde, which made his cheeks go pink with guilt.

"Felix!" The Italian girl gently chided. "He's been missing for an entire week, give him a break!"

"No it's ok Marzia, he knows I'm joking," Felix assured, waving his hand.

"But he's been lost and confused with no memory," Marzia anxiously protested. "Signe was worried sick!"


"Yeah..." Felix's energy faded as he grew sympathetic. "She thought you died Jack, she was really depressed man."

"Oh, Signe is your girlfriend Jack, do you remember her?" Marzia added. Jack gave them a blank stare; it was just so much to take in...

"N-no," Jack croaked. "I-I just remember waking up on a life raft, and then there was this island, and it had a t rex and-" Jack's eyes widened, and he sat up. "Oh my god, Mark!"

"Huh? Who's Mark? Is that your Wilson?" Felix teased.

"No don't get out of bed Jack!" Marzia pleaded as the stubborn Irishman pulled himself out of the bed. "You need to rest!"

"No!" Jack gripped the bed frame, shaking. "Where's Mark!?"

"Who the fuck is Mark!?"

"Guys, guys, just calm down..." Marzia nervously asked. "Just take a deep breath please?" Jack shuddered and pressed his hand against his head, clenching his eyes shut.

"Where's my jacket?"


"Where is my jacket!?"

"It's on the bed post behind you-" Jack pulled off the equipment and let it drop to the floor, and he turned and limped to his jacket and put it on over his hospital gown.

"Jack!" Felix exclaimed. "What are you doing?"

"I need to find him!" Jack ignored their protests and hobbled out of the room, but he ended up flat on his face three steps out of the door.

"Hey, I need help here!" A nurse called out, running over to Jack. Jack backed away from her as soon as she pulled him up, keeping his distance from her.

"Thanks," he said briefly before he continued limping.

"Sir! You need to come back to your room!" She tried to call, but Jack ignored her. He only made it a little further before two more nurses came, and they grabbed Jack and held him in place.

Lost (G/T P!Septiplier)Where stories live. Discover now