An Alliance

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"Sean...! Sean!" A voice cried. Who was it though? It sounded familiar... but it was fading. It was a woman's... was she calling out to him? He was back in that place with the flames licking at the edge of his vision. Why were his surroundings rocking though? He felt cold. He saw yellow and black and orange, but it was all such a blur. What happened...?

Jack couldn't remember anything from this strange vision, but he realized his name. Sean. The name sounded familiar in his dream, but not quite right... Maybe Jack. Yes... he knew other people who called him that, but he couldn't remember their names or faces. He wanted to remember, he desperately wanted to have his old life back. Perhaps this woman was his special someone...

And he didn't even know her name.

Jack's mind was heavy and his thoughts were thick as he came to. He stirred with a groan and opened his eyes slowly, a dull ache of pain in his empty stomach. He slowly sat up, swaying a little before looking around. It was dark. The lantern had died out, leaving Jack alone in the dark. Jack shivered and rubbed his arms, and he slowly got up.

"... h-hello?" He called out warily. No answer. Jack shivered again and turned around, but he couldn't see shit. With shaky legs he turned again when he heard something big shift around, but he couldn't see anything still.

A sickening gurgle suddenly made Jack bend over again with a groan, gripping his arms over his empty stomach.

"A-ahh..." He gritted his teeth. "Sh-shite..." He tensed up when he felt something move closer to him, and a warm breath of air breathed softly down his spine, ruffling his hair and clothes. Jack looked up from his crouch to just barely make out in the darkness a slight glisten of the giant Mark's eyes.

Jack's shoulders slumped as he let out a nervous sigh.

"H-hey Mark...?" He said warily, standing up. He was soon shocked to feel the giant rub his cheek up against the human in a nuzzle, leaving Jack's heart pounding in his breast. His chest heaved upward as he took a second to collect himself, and then he cautiously stuck his hands out into the darkness and took a step forward. His hands met a warm surface of skin and hair as he touched the giant's jawbone, and Jack winced when Mark flinched back with a suspicious growl.

"S-sorry," Jack mumbled, shrinking back. He was still overwhelmed with exhilaration at the giant, both afraid and in awe. But he needed a game plan, he had to get out of here...

Maybe if Mark helped him...

"Can you come here for a second?" Jack called out. He felt the air around him warm back up as Mark warily rested his chin down on the cold cave floor, inches away from the human. "Ahm..." Jack cleared his throat. "Y-you want to get out of here, right?"

Mark growled softly in agreement.

"Well uhm, how about we make a peace treaty?" Jack nervously suggested. "Y-you don't eat me, and uh, and since I want to get out of here too, we work together to find a way out." Jack looked nervously at Mark. "D-deal?"

For a moment Mark didn't reply, but then the giant gave a soft rumble of agreement.

"Ok. Alrighty then." Jack rubbed his hands together and shivered. It was getting chilly. "First things first, I can't see in the dark like you can, so we gotta get a lantern on or a torch lit or something."

Mark pulled back in the shadows for a moment, and then with a squeaky sound of metal he returned Jack's lantern to the Irishman.

Jack took the lantern and tried to light it, but as he suspected there was no more oil.

"Ok," Jack groaned and looked at Mark. "Where's that door that says do not enter?"

Mark pulled back with a soft whine, which surprised Jack.

"Come on don't be a baby on me now!" Jack exclaimed. "We gotta get the fuck out of here! And you're a giant, why would you be scared of anything?" Mark simply whined again, backing away from Jack. Jack sighed and ran his fingers through his bright green hair.

"Look buddy, I'm not asking you to go in there with me," he reasoned. "I just need you to get me in there so I can find some oil or flint." After a moment of sense silence, Mark hesitantly returned to his ally and picked him up by the back of his jacket, making Jack yell out and squirm in surprise.

The giant's fingers soon slackened and set Jack back down. Jack stuck his hand out, and sure enough he found himself touching wood.

"... warn me next time before I go on the Mark Express will ya?" Jack groused. Mark rumbled nervously, having backed away again as soon as he could. Jack turned and looked into the shadowed depths of the dark cave.

"It's ok Mark," he coaxed. "I'll be right back." Mark growled and shifted, and Jack turned and made his way through two of the boards. Once he made it inside, Jack started up his Frankenstein procedure again and started walking around, feeling wood and metal and cold rock.

After a lot of walking, Jack found something interesting. It felt smooth and slender, made of metal, and when Jack pulled on it a few sparks suddenly flew.

With his luck, one of the sparks landed on a wooden plank, and the wood's tip lit up with small eager flames, illuminating Jack's vision.

"Yes!" Jack pumped his fist in the air. "Four leaf clover! I am man, and I make fire baby!" He shouted out loud. He grabbed a piece of wood and grabbed a dusty part of an old ineffective curtain. He wrapped the cloth around the tip of the wood, and then stuck it into the hungry flames.

Jack was soon walking along with his makeshift torch down what seemed like a long corridor. Where he had come across his lucky strike was some kind of control room with dead machines. The next room Jack walked into though was a large room with a looking glass that showed the cave.

"Hey Mark!" Jack waved, and after a few seconds Mark's face appeared from the darkness to look at Jack. He looked pretty surprised as the little Irishman waved again. "Hi!" Jack smiled and giggled, relieved to see Mark smile a little in return as he pressed his hand over the glass. Jack was glad that he had a companion to help him out on this deserted island.

Jack continued looking around the place before he noticed an old computer that was hooked up to some very large old fashioned screens. Jack set his torch carefully aside and took a look.

Man, these are dusty! Coughing, Jack brushed away a few cobwebs before he saw a power cord. He stretched his arm out and grabbed it, and he plugged it in to the outlet.

To his surprise, the computer screen lit, and the machine whirled as the old PC came to life. The first thing Jack saw was that in the corner of the screen it said there was no service.

The second thing he noticed was that everything was all in Korean.

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