The Ruins

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The two had decided to continue exploring once they got lunch. Jack had run ahead of Mark and found an interesting tree blossoming with tasty looking fruit, and he was climbing his way up the trunk of the tree to have him some of the  juicy berries. As Jack crawled out onto the limb, he stole a glance down below and saw Mark laying down in the grass and looking up at him curiously. Jack smiled and continued his task, and he soon reached the end of the tree. He gripped the wood under him with a firm fist, while he leaned out with his other hand outstretched, reaching for a little cluster of berries.

"... eeh..." Jack bit his lip and strained a little more, leaning over the open air. "Almost got it. Alllmoooohhhst... Aha!" Jack finally managed to grab the bunch and pluck it off of the tree. "I got it- wh-whohooaa!" Before Jack could regain his balance, he found himself slipping forward, and he fell off of his perch with a yell, only to have a soft landing thanks to Mark and his quick catlike reflexes. "Phew..." Jack shivered in the giant's hands and wiped his brow, sweating a little bit from the close call. "Thanks buddy," he sighed, out of breath.

Mark gave a soft rumble and sat up before he set his hands on the ground, and he opened them up to allow Jack to slide gratefully onto solid ground.

"I got them though." Jack waved the bunch of berries in the air. "Do you know if they're poisonous though? They look ok..." Mark shook his head, and Jack's eyes lit up. "Good!" The human sat in the grass and contently began to eat as Mark laid down on his stomach and rested his chin on his arms. He gave a deep sigh and closed his eyes, drowsy as  he basked in the soothing rays of the sun.

"Mm, these are good," Jack mumbled happily. He glanced over at Mark. "We gotta find you something to eat though... do you eat meat?"

Mark blew a tuft of his hair out of his eyes.

"I guess I'll take that as a yes, considering-" Jack stopped and shuddered. He was about to say, "Since Project 53 ate some of those soldiers in the video," but Mark probably didn't know about how the Koreans had been experimenting to develop the perfect man killing monster. So Jack let his sentence end there and popped another berry in his mouth. He was definitely glad that Mark was nothing like the monsters he had seen in those videos. Mark would never hurt him, he realized that now. He was kind and caring, and he seemed to have a big heart that was just waiting for someone to care about him. He was like a giant teddy bear, but real and alive!

After Jack finished his berries, he looked over at his friend. Mark had slid his arms forward to rest his cheek down in the soft grass, his eyes still closed. His shoulders, Jack now realized as he looked at the giant, were broader than his waist, holding the physique similar to the appearance of a wrestler. The black shirt pointed out the bulging muscles on his arms, and his abdomen was probably flat and hard with strong abs as well. His legs were smaller, but no doubt there was a lot of muscle hidden in those jeans.

And yet, the giant's skin was so smooth and a gold tan like a sculpture of a Greek god, and while at first glance he looked terrifying, on the inside the giant Mark was nothing but a friendly creature. He was just a little lonely and needed some humanely company...

Mark suddenly opened one eye and looked at Jack, his iris reflecting in the sunlight as a rich golden brown. The corners of Jack's mouth curved up in a small smile as he looked back at the giant.

"Ready to keep moving? I'm sure we'll find you something to eat on the way," he asked. Mark rumbled and slowly brought his hands up to his chest, and he pushed himself up off the ground, bringing one knee up under him before he rose to his full height.

"Oh, n-no thanks, I'll just walk this time, if you don't mind," Jack kindly refused when Mark crouched back down and offered his hand as a lift. "There's only so much of heights I can handle before enough is enough." Mark nodded in understanding and got back up, and he let Jack lead the way.

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