Something's Not Right!

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Jack's blood ran cold, and he slowly backed away as Mark's eyes narrowed. He watched with wide eyes as Mark slowly sat up, his heart beginning to pick up speed.

"Maaaaahhrrrk...?" Jack asked hopefully. Mark growled and stared at Jack for a moment with those red eyes, then started reaching his hand out to snatch the human up. Jack ducked to the side with a yelp and avoided the hand, but he didn't run away. "Mark!" He called out in shock. "Mark what are you doing? What's wrong dude?" Mark growled and slammed his hand into the ground in an attempt to grab the human again, but he instead created another ringing noise that made him whimper and clutch at his head.

Jack took the opportunity to finally turn and run. He didn't know what was wrong with Mark or what he could do to fix it, but he had a feeling that if he didn't hide soon and let Mark calm down then it would be game over for him. Jack didn't know where to go though, until he saw a small crack in the wall. That would work! As Jack ran for it, Mark recovered from the ringing noise and snarled at Jack, going after the Irishman. Oh god, oh god oh god... Just before Jack could go into the wall, a giant hand suddenly slammed down in front of him, making Jack fall back onto his hands and butt with a yell of surprise.

As he got up, familiar fingers slipped around his waist and jerked him up into the air. Jack's heart raced as he squirmed in protest, panicking. But it was no use as he found himself staring into Mark's changed eyes.

He froze with fear before fidgeting and trying to call out to Mark.

"C-come on Mark, it's-it's me! I'm your buddy!" Jack pleaded. "You wouldn't hurt me..." Mark growled darkly at the human, but Jack summoned a weak smile and reached his hand out. "Y-you wouldn't hurt me..." He pressed his hand gently against the tip of Mark's nose, and the giant's lips pulled back in an uncertain snarl. "It's ok buddy... it's ok." Jack gently petted the angry beast, looking back into Mark's eyes and smiling softly. "You're not gonna hurt me," he gently said. "Because you're the kindest and most big hearted guy I know. Just come back bud... y-you don't have to kill me, you just need to let me in. I'm your buddy, not a bad guy..."

Mark was silent for a moment, but then his eyes narrowed as he growled again and jerked Jack closer. Jack braced himself and shut his eyes tightly with a small whimper, but instead of being met with pain he was dropped. Jack landed on the ground with a crack as Mark shrank back, frowning and whining and growling. He seemed torn between Jack's words and what his instincts were trying to make him do. Jack rolled over on his back with a groan and rose to his feet, and he limped to the crack and slipped in as he heard Mark roar in frustration. Panting, Jack slumped against the rock with a moan, and Jack closed his eyes as he heard his friend stomping around and smashing wood and rock, in a frenzy to find Jack.

I'm sorry buddy... Exhausted, Jack found himself passing out, and he sunk down into a seat before falling unconscious.

This time Jack could see a little more clearly. There was a light swaying on a small chain from the ceiling, and his surroundings were still rocking, but everything had a nice warm golden glow to it. Instead of blue everywhere, there was wood and metal, and Jack felt warm.

As he opened his eyes, he turned his head to see a person who felt familiar to him. She had short cute hair and a pretty face, her eyes closed, and she was curled up beside Jack and snuggling his arm and side. At first Jack thought of pushing the person away... but something stopped him. She seemed so... familiar. Was she the girl that was calling out his real name?

As he watched, he saw her stir, and her eyes fluttered open. A warm glow fluttered in Jack's chest, and he felt a smile form against his cheeks.

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