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Having gotten his thirst sated, Jack's thoughts were a bit clearer as he sat up and looked around, taking in his environment. He noticed with curiosity that the trees were gargantuan, and everything almost seemed like Jack had stepped into a whole new world. Oh god... It's like Jack and the Beanstalk, with me as Jack! Jack ran his fingers through his disheveled hair and got up. With a look up above beyond the canopy of the trees, he noticed that the sun was setting. Grrreeeeaat.... Jack groaned tiredly and looked around at the trees for a place to sleep the night. His eyes landed on a forking branch that would allow a reasonably firm enough place to rest, and so the Irish man nodded to himself and headed over to the tree. Again, as he peered up at the giant trunk of the tree, Jack once again couldn't help but feel small.

He took a deep breath before gripping the rugged bark of the tree, and he began climbing. His muscles were screaming in protest, but he knew he had to keep going. Who knew what animals were in this place? Besides, Jack knew that despite whatever the hell had happened before his memory went "Zap!" he still needed to keep safe and healthy until someone found him.

But how far had I drifted away? was the question that came to mind as Jack finally hauled himself onto his perch. He glanced back down at the ground, and he immediately regretted it. His heart skipped a beat at how high up he was, and he squeezed the branches for a sense of vague security before he quickly looked away and nervously settled down. Once he had finally gotten as comfortable as possible,  he sighed wearily in exhaustion, and he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Everything was fuzzy and dark, blurry. He could hear muffled screams and see bright flashes of fire as someone raced past him. What was happening? Where was everyone? I need to find her... Find who though? Nothing made sense. Why were his surroundings shifting? A wave of water just came up in his face... was this a memory?

What had happened?

The next day found Jack frowning as he woke. His entire body ached and felt sore all over, and he let out a small whine as he slowly sat up and came to. He gave a big yawn and a stretch, wondering what he should do today when he heard a nearby growl.

Jack turned and immediately froze with his blue eyes wide in fear. Nearing was a creature that was suppose to be extinct... a t rex.

Jack gulped nervously as he remained still, watching the carnivorous beast. It had a big head that was lined with razor sharp teeth, small eyes and little arms with lethal claws, a big tail and huge powerful legs. Jack had a feeling that if he moved, the monstrous creature would easily outrun him and snap his frail body like a toothpick.

But as the t rex walked right up to Jack's tree, Jack was struggling to not move. But at the same it, it was so cool! Sure, it was an extremely dangerous and giant animal that could kill Jack without breaking a sweat, but Jack felt a sort of odd giddiness rise up in him. This was a dinosaur! No one had seen one of these for millions of years!

The t rex rumbled and turned its head, scanning its surroundings for something to eat. Jack took the opportunity to try and climb up a little higher, seeing that he was only just barely above the rex's head. He started making his way up, but he only got to make a little progress before his grip suddenly slipped, and with a yell Jack found himself tumbling in the air, crashing through some leaves and getting scratched up by branches, before he finally hit the ground with a heavy thud.

Jack groaned as he got back up, scratched up and bleeding in some spots. He jerked with fright when he noticed that the t rex was looking straight at him, and it roared loudly before trying to snap its jaws at him. Jack let slip a small scream as he threw himself to the side, barely avoiding those sharp teeth. Scrambling to get back up, Jack wasted no time in taking off in a desperate footrace to the death. Huge thumping steps made the ground shake as the prehistoric beast gave chase, and Jack kept running as fast as his weak and battered body could go. But he didn't go very far before the tyrannosaurus rex took another swipe at him, one that Jack just barely managed to deflect by darting behind a tree. He kept running, already breathing heavily and out of breath before he stumbled and fell over the large roots of a tree. Desperate, Jack quickly crawled into the dark shadows of the roots, and the t rex roared outside as it stopped and lowered its head, looking curiously at Jack's hiding place. Chest heaving, Jack pressed against the soil wall, his heart hammering with adrenaline.

For a moment nothing happen, but then wood suddenly splintered as the t rex chomped on the outer roots of the sturdy tree. Jack yelled out and wriggled deeper, growing more frantic as the t rex kept clawing its way closer and closer to the weak little human.

The soil under Jack suddenly shifted downwards, and Jack had no time to shout out in alarm as he suddenly fell through the ground, fortunately avoiding the wrath of the t rex. But he was in freefall through the ground, before his surroundings suddenly opened up to a large cavern underground. Jack hit the ground with a smack, and he moaned in pain.

"Really? Again!?" He complained out loud, wearily pushing himself up. Down on one knee, Jack took a look at his surroundings, seeing absolutely nothing but pitch darkness. He could hear a breeze though, it seemed to be coming from somewhere... maybe it was a way out!

Jack shivered at the cold air of the stony cave, and he brought up the collar of his jacket as he began to walk, following where he thought the wind was coming from. But it was very echoing, so Jack was soon left to just blindly stick his arms out like Frankenstein and hope for the best.

It eventually got warmer and warmer, and the wind got louder and louder, and Jack's heart quickened a beat at the idea of getting out of this dark hellhole. But he suddenly ran into something, something that made him yell out and spring back. His hands were all of a sudden warm and slimy, making him wrinkle his nose in disgust.

"Eeeewwww! Gross." Jack wiped his hands off his jeans and looked at where he had been heading, then took a step back. as a warm breeze made his hair stir. Whatever the fuck is right in front of me, I don't want none of it. Turning, Jack continued to walk, once again blindly holding his arms out in hopes of hitting a wall and scaling his way along it to find an exit. To his surprise, his fingers suddenly came in contact with wood, and he felt around a bit before hitting something metal and squeaky.

A lantern! Jack eagerly grabbed it and fumbled for the knob, and with a few squeaky twists the lamp's little flame sputtered to life. Before Jack was an old run down facility looking area, the door having been boarded up with a "Do Not Enter" message scrawled over. The lantern had been hanging on a nail beside the doorway, luckily still having some fuel in it, but it was all dusty and had some cobwebs on it. Jack stifled a cough and stepped away.

I wonder what I ran into earlier... He turned and took only a few steps before dropping the lantern and jolting with a gasp.

Illuminated before him was the massive face of a slumbering giant.

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