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Congratulations Ellie. You are in fact the last one standing, though I'd rather you on your back right about now, standing will do. If you shut your eyes and picture the one thing you want right now what is it?

He was testing me, I had to play his little game, he wants me so I have to keep playing along.

I want to finish what I started with you, wouldn't you like that? Until you can't handle it anymore? I know that's what I picture, sweat, steamy and vigorous! I emphasized the last bit on purpose.

Mmhmm! I'm going to get this place cleaned up for you. Just try to relax for a while, I have a surprise for you tomorrow. He winked, blew me a kiss and the TV went up and I had to wait until he came in and cleaned up. I've not see him in person yet so this will be interesting.

I sat here thinking what happened I got here, the people I met.. darn if I wasn't sooo good at acting I'd be totally dead right now. Yeah I didn't exactly want to switch the a two minute porno but I mean seriously?  I know what I'm choosing. Like my Dad I can usually talk my way out of anything, it showed today... I got out of this and I was feeling proud.

What was getting to me though is I won? So why's he saying he's got a surprise for me tomorrow? Aren't I allowed to go free? Is it all a joke oh come on tell me it's a joke....

I heard the door creak opened, and in he walked. Still with his clown mask on. I HAD to play this smart, I just had too.

Hello Ellie. Don't you look ravashing tonight, a close up congratulations to you. He said standing really close to me, I wanted nothing more but to punch him fair in the face or rip his mask off his stupid face, but I knew I couldn't. My next few moves and words would decide weather he'd kill me right here and now, or let me go free.
Oh you may speak sweetie the games over for now. You are the winner, remember? I said nothing I just nodded. I can't let you go just yet. Though I can assure you, you won't be harmed over night, not after the little stunt you pulled just before... I must say, you do know how to keep a man wanting more don't you Ellie.

He said cupping my chin with one hand and removing his mask with the other. Wow... he was really good looking... Ellie what the fuck snap out of that, he would of killed you if you didn't lead him on!

He bit his lip.. I'll be waiting for this. He whispered in my ear. For now, I'll clean this mess up, you need to get some rest... as best as you can...Standing up. He laughed sinisterly again. What was he playing at!!! See I knew it he can and will turn on me in a split second if I'm not careful, I have to plan everything I say to make sure it's up to his standards so he doesn't kill me.

Goodnight Ellie. He blew me a kiss, and closed and locked the door behind him, little did he know, I have the key.

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