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"So my boyfriend cheated on me the other day I walked in and saw him in bed with two other chick's.  I wanted to do nothing but kill him. Instead I punched both girls in the face and walked out and slammed the door. I took a rope from the shed and walked towards the fence. It was done I was done...the cops were circling...found me and took me to the station...the assholes kept me I'm he.." Her light turned off. The static started again and he was smirking.

Sorry to hear that. It's easy to die here you know. It only takes one thing. Do you know what that is love? She said nothing, she just nodded agreeing with him. It nerds to be decent though, make sure you have the anger I like feisty girls. He winked. The static came back and then he was gone, as quick as he popped up.

The last set of lights turned on and a spotlight landed on the last girls face. She'd been beaten up beforehand you could see the bruises and cuts on her face. She had a black eye and a bloody nose, the blood was dried up though.

I'm Ruby...I'm a victim of domestic violence. Street violence rather that's where I live. I got taken here thinking I'd be safe and happy.. I was wrong... totally wrong... this is even scarier than the streets, on the streets I expected to be mugged or pushed over or worse... look at the sight of me. But here... here you have the dwelling fear of not knowing when it's going to be your turn... if your words are good enough, and when you're going to die..." her lights turned off as she said her last word.

I'm glad you're honest Ruby. No you don't know if anything you say in here is good enough, you don't know when you're going to die, if you're going to die, or even if you're going to win, and for me...That's the most fun part! Because I don't even know who's going to win and who's going to die. It's a lucky dip for me at the end of the day too, makes it more exciting don't you think? He whole heartedly cracked up laughing this time, he actually thought he was hilarious, it was sickening to the stomach. I wonder and I dare wonder I'll tell you know.... How many more people have been lured into this me... won the first round... Did they ever get out or was he just playing me.

How many rounds would I have to suffer...would he ever feed me or give me something to drink, or do his victims just keep playing and playing and beg for death, or step out of line on purpose after they are so weak they can't even talk anymore.

I have a feeling this is what's going to happen... so I need these people to hurry up and die so I can plan to get out of here as fast and as soon as possible.

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