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We all shook our heads, not wanting to speak out of line. Already used to death, I just knew I had to stop this, so I needed to play his game his way in order to be able to get myself out.. my way.

Good. Let's begin. Random topic, mutual interest me. Goodluck ladies. He smirked with a huge evil clown grin, it was fucking creepy!

I closed my eyes hoping to god my light wasn't on yet I had to think of something to say first. He liked to know about personal stuff so maybe I'll tell him something about my life before this, or about the sick bastard who tied my dog to a tree maybe he may want to hear that, he seems pretty sinister so.. we'll see.
I opened my eyes and sighed in relief it wasn't me thank god.

"Hi I'm Julie I'm eighteen I'm going to tell you the short story of why I killed my brother. He got more attention than me the day he came home from hospital, so I gave him a bath his name was Toby...I washed Toby's hair and had to rise it I accidently kept his head under the water too long. Mum was out I told her when she got home that he ran away. I still see him at night he tells me he's going to kill me if I wash my hair, I haven't....."

The TV came back down again, like always.. You're full of shit Julie but the story was like a horror so, for your sake I'll keep you alive here for now.. so maybe if you win, your brother finds you and kills you slowly. The end. The TV slowly went back up. I gulped.

Calming my anxiety I waited and watched my lights. Nothing. I look over and a little blonde girl no older than thirteen's light comes on.

"I'm going to die in here or out there it doesn't really matter, you don't need to know my name it's unimportant. What you do need to know is that everyone will look for you, and they will find you. Because you're wanted. I saw your mask on TV I just thought I should inform you my mum and dad called crime stoppers before you took me so they know exactly where I am, so if you kill me now which I'm sure you will, I'm just another one you'll get charged for.

Thank you for your time, I'm done talking now. Oh also the girl with the red hair? You're really pretty I hope you win." She smiled at me and stopped talking her light turned off just as she stopped. I heard noises... he didn't even say anything to her.. he was just going to kill her...just like that.

The head helmet that was attached to her head started swirling and spinning in circles it turned around through her head peeling her like an apple skin, turning her into an apple slinky. If you can't picture an apple slinky think of a slinky toy. It was so utterly disgusting I puked. Her whole body got twisted into this slinky chunky mess, bits flying everywhere I swear I got some arm skin stuck to the side of my face.

He really upgraded the machines over night or changed the weapons because this is more brutal than I've seen so far. I'm scared to wonder what would happen to me if I screw this up.

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